elbereth2010 Member


  • I have learned something new today! I will keep my laces a little looser!
  • I think it all depends on what you mean by "race." Unless you've been running a long time and racing at 10ks or longer with that, I would say that your goal for a first half really should just be (like Jeff Galloway says) to finish upright, with a smile on your face, wanting to do it again - so not aiming for time at all.…
  • I decided not to do the Nut Job since I'm doing the Titanium Girl challenge... But I may still change my mind :)
  • Add me! I'm doing two a week apart - the Iron Girl Half on 4/28 with my friend who is a new runner, and the Frederick Running Festival Half on 5/5 that I'm going to try to beat my previous time for.
  • Just a thought - the "natural light" bulbs at the hardware store and Ikea refer to the color of the light and not intensity. You need a really bright light to suppress melatonin secretion to really help with the winter blues - so those bulbs are not going to do it, you need something that is a light therapy device. Amazon…
  • Hey, is there any chance you could be depressed and just noticing it in your body more than in your heart? Feeling low energy and eating a lot are really common symptoms of depression, especially the seasonal kind (if you're in the northern latitudes this time of year). Thyroid could be another issue. All good reasons to…
  • I'm a huge fan of John Bingham - his book Running for Mortals is like one big pep talk for getting started, and Marathoning for Mortals has a bunch of rational training plans that actually fit into a life.
  • I have a Forerunner 405CX that does all of that. It doesn't have the 610s fancy touch screen but boy do I love my Garmin. Their website (Garmin Training Center) is pretty good too, and free, and most other common websites (though not MFP!) will also upload data from Garmins.
  • My newbie running buddy completely outfitted herself with winter and spring running clothes for under $100 at TJ Maxx. I was jealous! I'm also a big fan of Target.
  • I haven't done a challenge before but 50 days sounds good! My goals are: 1) Run at least 3 days per week 2) Yoga at least once a week 3) Lose 10 pounds If I meet my goals, I will reward myself with new running gear!
  • Hi! I've been trying to eat clean for about 6 months now, and like others I'm probably 80/20 - not fanatical about it but would like to keep getting better. My body just feels better. I am trying to get more involved on MFP and would love more friends.
  • I use Fresh20 too and I love it - the weekly prep does keep weeknight time to a minimum, the food is flavorful and it makes it easy to follow a clean diet, and because of the limited ingredient list it's actually fairly economical. I've tried a couple of others - Six O Clock Scramble (nice flexibility, kid-friendly, but…
  • Hi! I've been running for about 2 years now, and have done 2 half-marathons. My superpower is running REALLY slow - I did my last half at about a 13:00 pace and was actually running for all but a couple minutes of that whole almost 3 hours! But I feel so strong when I run and each new distance or PR feels like such an…
  • Add me! I could use some support.