scsgaras Member


  • Amazing difference!! Good work! :smile:
  • Punki - Have a great trip!!! To all good morning! It's a beautiful day here in FL at 5am. I usually, don't know why, arise around 5am - my body just wakes up. Wish it didn't. Well, anyway, we are going to probably go for a walk today outside. My DH and I try to do that at least 2x/wk instead of going to the gym for a…
  • Like you we travel quite a bit. Leaving next week for Atlanta to see all the grandkids and our kids. I really love to travel, but hate packing. It'll be especially difficult in June, when we will be gone a month in Europe. Not sure how to do it but I'm sure I'll figure it out. Not sure whether or not to bring 2 sizes of…
  • I can't wait to try these! It'll be my first experience with/eating Kale. Supposed to be good for you, I understand. How do you track them? Doesn't the oil cause it to be too caloric?
  • Stepping Stone - I love, love, love Nappa!! We have been there several times. Actually, we are heading to CA again in April but, unfortunately, not Nappa area this time. This time it's Yosemite and San Fran! Can't wait! Love SF too!!! Graycatbird: Welcome aboard. You'll love this group! Punki - Fantastic!! Now you can…
  • Hi Punki and Ginny, Thought I'd drop into this thread. Living in Ft. Lauderdale, FL affords me the opportunity of mostly great weather - with the exception of a few hurricanes now and then. My husband and I are always busy trying to stay active. We travel tons and see our son and daughter who both live in Atlanta. My son…
  • I am 64, almost 65. My husband and I moved into a condo and now have no excuse for not exercising, as there is a full gym for our use almost anytime. I must admit, I really don't like exercising but I know if I don't I'll "fall apart". :smile: So, each day for 6 mornings, we are up in the gym at 6am. 30 minutes on the…
  • Hi Ya'll...I live in Fort Lauderdale and have been semi-retired for a few years but now am completely retired.... I will be turning 65 in April but feel about 35. I have a great husband, 2 wonderful grown kids, along with 3 grand kids and 3 grand dogs. One of the biggest stumbling blocks is that my husband doesn't gain…