Ladylusiphur Member


  • Certainly scientifically fewer calories are needed to lose weight, as your body needs 'x' amount of energy to run and if it has less than that then it has to get the extra from your stored reserves (fat). However, I do think there is logic in the type of food too, as things like high fiber and calcium can make your body…
  • I find some of the nutrition goals a bit confusing. Something like fiber shouldn't show as red if you've hit your goal in the same way that fat or sugar does. Many of these things are positive so should be recorded differently I think. Fiber is very important to keep your digestive system running properly, and whilst it's…
  • Is 1200 cals recommended by the app or your doctor? It seems quite low considering the amount of activity you're doing, so it might be that your body is trying to conserve energy. Sometimes it depends on the kinds of things you're eating, but looking at your diary you're eating good fresh food with plenty of veg so I don't…
  • I totally sympathise. After doing well before the festive period I totally lost it & ate so many cakes & chocolates. It's only in the last 3 weeks that I feel I've really managed to motivate myself & start getting back to where I was. Still not quite as good as before but good enough to get back to losing. Hope you get…
  • Would love more friends. I've gone from 300+ lb to 261 so would like people on a similar journey.
  • Thanks! It wasn't bad to say that we'd only done it all the way through in class 2 times before! lol. (we'd practiced all the individual bits loads though) The lady in the red dress is our teacher and she's so amazing. You should get yourselves to a class, it really changed my life. I love the social aspect of regular…
  • Wow! So many replies overnight and tons of friend requests too! I'm honoured to have you all. :) And lots from people outside the range, which is brilliant. I initially just hoped to find more people who have similar goals to me, but that doesn't mean I'd turn down anybody outside of that. I've been over 300lb myself and I…
  • Good to know that we all have the same hurdles to overcome, however much we have to lose. Being bored is definitely my biggest enemy as I tend to eat extra when I'm waiting for my Husband to come home from work or just watching tv. I've started doing a few arts and crafts to keep me occupied. Also started playing Wii dance…