Belly Dancing - for my friends

As anyone who is on my friends list will know, my exercise of choice is belly dancing. I've been doing this for fun for the past 10 years or so, and it's just about taken over my life!
To give people an idea of what we actually do, and prove that this is a form of exercise for everyone I've decided to link this video of my group performing last night. I know people expect belly dancers to be a size zero and perfect looking, but in reality this is a great form of exercise for ALL women. If you look at my group there are small girls, medium sized girls, and myself, a UK size 22-24. If I can do it, ANYONE can!!! (It's also not just for girls, look up male dancers on Youtube)

I'm the one wearing black and pink and hiding at the back. We're not a professional troupe, just learners of different levels. The one in blue is my sister, as you can see we don't have the same problems with food!


  • RajwaJ
    RajwaJ Posts: 191 Member
    Ohhh who doesn't like a good shimmy or a camel! lol! I've never done classes but have books and dvds that I sometimes do at home. Me and my sister love it! We have quite a collection of hip scarves. lol! The music and the movements..... just watching your video I was swaying and moving my hips.

    I often find myself looking at youtube for the tribal belly dancing. Love that too.

    You girls were great and looked fantastic.
  • Ladylusiphur
    Ladylusiphur Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks! It wasn't bad to say that we'd only done it all the way through in class 2 times before! lol. (we'd practiced all the individual bits loads though)
    The lady in the red dress is our teacher and she's so amazing. You should get yourselves to a class, it really changed my life. I love the social aspect of regular dance parties with friends, as well as the dancing.
  • Zalli
    Zalli Posts: 132 Member
    Belly dance parties are awesome!

    so fun, and you can shimmy off the snacks! ;)