

  • Count me in too please x
  • Thanks guys will try anything at the moment. I have lost 2lb a week for the last 2 weeks, so if i carry on at this pace i will be happy, i am also exercises 3 times a week, i might up it to 4 or 5 days see if i can lose anymore in a week. thanks again xx:smile:
    in Diet pills Comment by cathp83 June 2012
  • Hiya it says on google that you usually need to lose 6 to 8lbs to drop a dress size xx
  • Hi Jodie, My Names Cath I'm from South Wales in the UK, i am 28. I'm also looking for help with getting motivated too as i have my friends wedding on the 21st september this year and my goal is to lose 21lb by then (fingers crossed). i am 206lb now lost 2lb last week so 19 to go!! Have more to lose after this but it's a…
  • Got my friends wedding in September, so I'm in!! CW= 208 GW by the end of august (hopefully) = 187 Thanks for this got 2 reasons to lose it now!!!!!!