KLC2784 Member


  • I am nearing the end of my 20's... I will be 29 in October... but still hanging on! :-)
  • My NSV yesterday really made me realize how far I have come from the girl who just 3 years ago could barely jog 1/4 mile. I ran in a 5k event yesterday morning and I finished overall #317 out of 963 runners. I made the top third! For females I finished #91 out of 455.
  • Fresh fruit and some almonds
  • I went to the doctor for a routine check-up and found out that my cholesterol was ridiculously high. My doctor told me that she was going to give me three months to lower it on my own, otherwise she was going to put me on medication. Definitely the kick in the rear that I needed, as high cholesterol and heart issues run in…
  • I take a daily multivitamin, calcium, and glucosamine supplement.
  • Spinach! I have some every day... either sin my egg white omelette, in a salad, or blended up in a smoothie... love it!
  • I have the most random, eclectic running playlist ever... from Eminem to the Beatles, from P!nk to Queen, from Weird Al Yankovic to Elvis Costello... LOL ... I really just love running to any song that pushes me to keep going just a little further or a little faster!
  • I can't really say for certain that it has helped with my fat loss, but it has most definitely made a difference in my energy levels and overall feelings of awesome-ness. I am a former coffee junkie who randomly decided to quit cold turkey and make the switch to tea. It has now been 11 weeks since my last cup of coffee and…
  • I struggled with this for most of my life... for me, I think it had a lot to do with just not knowing about proper nutrition. I was always active my whole life, but my view of "healthy eating" was way off. I would eat "healthy" and get frustrated that I was not losing weight. I would end up giving up and going back to the…
  • I am also running on May 5th! ...but, in a different State... New York... the Long Island Marathon! I did the half two years ago, last year I did the full marathon, and this year I am going back to the half and trying to beat my time from 2 years ago. Good luck!
  • Sometimes I will eat some of them back, especially if it was a really intense workout. The more calories I burn in the morning, the hungrier I tend to be throughout the day even though I am eating regularly. I am currently training for a half marathon, and when I am doing 10/11/12 mile training runs burning upwards of 1100…
  • Welcome back! You've got this! :-)
  • I have been going to Plant Fitness for almost 4 years now... it's got all the basic stuff I need for a super cheap price per month and the hours are great (open 24 hours during the week, and 7am-7pm on weekends). I am also a martial artist, so I do a lot of training and conditioning in my dojo. I am also a runner and when…
  • Wow! Fantastic! I am smiling for you! :-)