

  • I live in Michigan. So far (according to the app on my computer), our weather is just about the same. You do have more rain, but that's what makes it green! :)
  • AUGH! Me too. (No one in my life even knows who he is.) 1. Ireland (going in March) 2. UK. Most of my favorite shows are set in England or Wales and I'm Scotch-Irish so I need to see Scotland at some point. 3. Spain Morocco, Kenya, Prague, Paris, Argentina...oh wait...only 3. :)
  • Well... are they being serious or sarcastic? Is that just their way of telling you (in a round about way) that you're doing a great job? My friend lost 70lbs last year. We called her things like "skinny *****" and "skinny minnie" for a while, and sometimes still do! We were still fat; she had the discipline that we only…
  • You know, your sister is your sister. It shouldn't matter what she looks like. If she has that kind of attitude, I'm not sure I'd even want to be in her wedding. Why pay for the dress, shoes, hair, etc etc etc to support someone who puts you down like that? No way. I may be in the minority here, but I think your friend was…
  • I'm 34 and people usually think I'm younger. Someone guessed 24 the other day (they're crazy ;)) but the usual guess is 26-28. Probably has something to do with the fact that I don't spend time laying in the sun and I wear sunscreen religiously.
  • AUGH. I know, right? It's almost scary what people will believe when it comes to their health.
  • Also more fun when you can laugh at the idiocy...
  • I REALLY needed coffee today so I got a venti nonfat latte and added Equal. It was 170 calories. A tall nonfat Caramel Macchiato is my usual standby if I want something "fancy", and that is around 140ish. I shy away from iced drinks because I do not feel that I am getting much for my money. I also shy away from sugar free…
  • Ikr? Water count: 50.
  • Well...I have asthma and I just *don't* run outside in the winter, and I have to be sure to take albuterol before I go out on chilly mornings or I'll have a problem. But, physiologically, I believe the sudden cold air is going to make your airways constrict a little bit in response to the chill. But definitely check with a…
  • Word. I was in elementary school in the eighties and there were definitely winners and losers both academically and athletically. Sometimes I was a winner (usually academically) sometimes I was a loser ( athletically). I was taught that was just life. I was a smart kid and even a bit competitive. I…
  • Agreed. I do understand the frustration of the original poster. Being 5'10" and, currently, 235 lbs, I can't say that the boys are bangin' down my door. But like it or not to be initially attracted by the physical is how we're wired. And anyway, can you honestly say you ever walked up to some really obese man and said,…
  • Feel the same. Not close to my family at all. My friends and I have drifted apart as I am single and don't have children while most of them are married with children. I love my life and am happy most of the time but I just have these moods every so often where I feel sad and low; I would love to have a little group of…
  • A few years ago, I lost 45 lbs relatively quickly. I wasn't skinny by any means--I'm 5'10", and I was down to somewhere between a size 12 and a size 14, but I found out some of my coworkers were saying that I was starving myself, even saying that I was in treatment for an eating disorder. *pfft* Haters gonna hate.
  • Idk, I just see your face but I think you're beautiful. I understand motivation but, in my personal case, the more I beat myself up over how my body looks, the more I beat myself up when I backslide, you know? But that's just me; I'm very much an emotional eater. I'm doing pretty well right now temptation-wise, and I think…
  • 5'10, currently at 240lbs and would LOVE to be back down to 190 with an ultimate goal of 170. If I stayed at 190 though, I'd have absolutely no problem with that; it still has me in the "overweight" category with my BMI but my doc says I have a lot of muscle (under the fat, lol) and, as we know, that is more dense than fat.
  • She sounds VERY insecure.
  • HAHA, I'm pro-eating a lot as well! I made my food diary private because some of my contacts were commenting negatively on the fact that I had a cookie or one of those 90 cal Fiber One brownies, or some kind of goody with my coffee every day. I call that healthy since I wasn't depriving myself and satisfying my enormous…
  • That's understandable. And we are replying about a serious situation. While it may be disturbing for you in your journey, and/or you may be concerned about these girls, if they are adults, then we have no business telling them what to do in this instance. It's like if someone posted pro-anorexia stuff on FB; I would either…