

  • Congratulations to all the winners! This has been a wonderful group! Thank you to Lucy for creating the opportunity and the community of support! Much love to all, Debra
  • Here is an article I wrote on my blog about water and weight loss. I admit it is still an issue I struggle with, even knowing why I need to drink enough water. One thing I did recently was get…
  • This weeks fitness post is up! Traveling Doesn't Always Mean Gaining Weight.
  • This weeks post is up on my blog. Yoga what it is and what it can do for us..
  • My goals for this week are to reassess where I am and to keep moving forward. To bring everything back into balance. Several things became clear over the past two weeks. The first is, I tend to take on too much and then it catches up with me. Since I came back from the RT convention in Chicago it has been go, go, go…
  • Congratulations to all the winners!
  • Thank you for that tip! The things we tell ourselves are so important.
  • Tash, I shipped your package yesterday so it is on its way. Not sure how long it will take to get to NZ. First time I've shipped there! That was fun. :-)
  • Yay Judy! (I confess I am tickled to see one of my team members win a copy of my book.) :-)
  • Congrats to the winners!
  • Todays post is up on my blog! Cortisol and weight gain: How I Gained Weight Without Eating When My Husband Nearly Died
  • Pictures! Oh my goodness. I had a picture on facebook I had to ask a friend to take down. Three couples out to dinner and I was sitting on hubby's lap with my back to the camera. It makes my hind end look three times the size it is! That was the night I split out the seat of my jeans. And they were Coldwater Creek stretch…
  • This week started out well with the aquatic zumba on Mon and finding out I'd lost a lb. Then I got hit with some intestinal thing last couple of days. I'll think it's gone then it comes back. I'm way behind on my writing and I haven't been able to rehearse for our shimmy mob perfomance which is in 16 days. I'm the team…
  • Congratulations! Tash I just have to figure out the best way to ship to NZ so it might take me a couple of days.
  • This weeks fitness post is up on my blog! The topic is sleep and weight loss along with sleep deprivation.
  • Valerie that is so true! Everything has salt and the hotels dry out our skin and then we can't find water! It did feel like being in the Desert! Oh my goodness I laughed out loud when I read that, it fit so well! There has to be a better way. I am seriously thinking of carrying some of my own food when I travel from now…
  • :-) I'm so glad they are helping, Lucy! :-) Well I missed last weeks with the RT convention going on, but will resume this Friday. This week my topic is sleep and weight loss. Boy did I learn a lot about what sleep deprivation can do while I was at RT! lol Maybe falling off the health and fitness wagon has a plus side if…
  • Congrats to the winners! Stacey I Fed Ex'd yours from the RT convention before I left so it's on it's way (with a few extra goodies tucked in) Enjoy! ;-)
  • Last week was rough because of the challenges of the RT convention. I started off with great intentions and a firm decision to stick with the healthy eating, drinking water and exercise. Then things started to go wrong. The first problem I ran into was not sleeping on the train on the way up. At all. And the train left…
  • Last week being ill derailed me from exercise goals, food goals and even water I suspect. With fever I surely needed more. This week I am heading out to the RT convention so my goals are going to be very simple. 1. Get some form of exercise in every day whether it's yoga in my room or walking around the conference center.…
  • Thank you Lucy! This is great! I have a sweet tooth but hubby's is three times as bad. And if we are out of cookies there is "no food in this house". lol Being able to offer healthier sweets is great!
  • Oh, thank you Kathy! I haven't learned how to break down a recipe into the nutritional values yet. Hubby and sons are already asking for this dessert for Easter Sunday. Now I'll have a better idea of what to put into my fitness pal. I see there is a place to add recipes so guess I'll learn something new. :-)
  • I'm not sure the calorie break down on this. I received this recipe from a professional chef. My guys love this and don't feel deprived if I serve this instead of a heavier cake or pie for dessert. It's festive enough looking to take to a party and everyone seems to enjoy it.
  • I am so glad that the Friday Fitness articles are helpful! That makes my heart feel happy! :-) Todays fitness post is a video I want to share about why stretching is so important. It changed my life. I now stretch like a cat every morning. As always go to and the post is on my home page. Have a…
  • My goals this week are to eat every three hours with setting a timer. (The timer is new. Doing it myself isn't working.) water exercise Tue, Wed, Thur and Sat. Dance rehearsals on Tue night. Keeping this schedule up till May 12th. Need to drink enough water so I'm going to start counting that.
  • Linda, Thank you for sharing your fitness story. We have it drilled into our heads that extra weight comes from eating extra and not exercising enough. And while that certainly can be a cause, it is not the only cause. It is incredibly frustrating to be cutting back on food and cutting back and again and again while having…
  • This weeks fitness friday blog blog is up on my website: This weeks topic is water for good health and weight loss Love and light, Debra
  • Okay, got my group started, but will have to finish adding details and inviting team members after the conference which isn't over till this evening. In the meantime, here's the link: ttp:// If you're on my team, I'll be sending invitations either tonight…
  • I haven't created my group yet because there's a convention here in town with writers panels I've been sitting in on. So I'm not sure. One thing I have noticed is that on my mobile phone I can't read these message board posts and have to be on my Mac. Good to know as I'm headed to the RT convention very soon. Boy am I…
  • I plan to change things up to a certain extent as we go through the 12 weeks. . I am doing aquatic zoomba on Tue and Sat mornings. (This is my favorite because I love to dance and love the water.) Deep water aerobics on Wed and Thur mornings. (Just added those.) For the days of the month when that is not a good fit for me,…