scm1991 Member


  • So far I've only done broccoli because it's what I have in the fridge but I like broccoli banana apple I didn't want to use water though so to give it more flavor I used 1 cup of Lipton diet citrus green tea
  • I wanted to thank everyone for their support and advice. I DID read every single response. I woke up this morning and told my self that today was going to be different. I won't walk on the treadmill today because my back is really sore (I had an epidural that went wrong and pierced a muscle) but in the even that it does…
  • I wanted to thank everyone for their support and advice. I DID read every single response. I woke up this morning and told my self that today was going to be different. I won't walk on the treadmill today because my back is really sore (I had an epidural that went wrong and pierced a muscle) but in the even that it does…
  • If I had to pick a goal aside from the weight I want to be (which is between 130-140) it would be pregnancy.. I really want to have another little one.. But I don't want to be pregnant and 400lbs.. I mean the way I gained weight after my last pregnancy (I didn't gain any weight while pregnant I stayed the same weight it…
  • well i guess ill skip that then :)
  • true. my issue is not just my weight but a botched epidural. the catheter whatever you call it went the wrong way and pierced the muscle in the left side of my back so exercise is not just an issue for being fat but physically painful i just figure if itd give me some sort of boost to lift some weight off and make exercise…
  • thank you all.. your encouragement has changed my outlook on this... i know im going to gain and lose weight through this process and even after my wedding i wont be done losing weight since i want to get down to 130 so i have to look at this and realize its going to happen.. im going to plateau sometimes and i just need…