miniragtop Member


  • Count me in! I've gained about 20 in the past year and would love to get it back off before the end of the year. Currently 179 and would love to be 159ish by Christmas.
  • a pound is a pound. fat may be bulkier than muscle but it's mathematically impossible for a pound of any item to weigh more than a pound of any other item since a pound is the weight measurement.
  • Awesome job ! What was the 3rd key item? Inbox me please...
  • I wear bike shorts for running. The stay in place and won't ride up plus they help keep my thighs in control!
  • Be ready to have a BLAST! I did the WD last year in TN and I'm already signed up for it again this year. Some of the obstables are tough but unless you want to try to win I wouldn't worry to much about it. For me it's more about the experience of it than it is about the time it takes.
  • I actually have a type of arthritis that grows on the underside of my knee caps so I know exactly what you mean when you say your knees crack when you go up stairs. Mine sound like a soda can crunching if I try to stretch my legs or do a squat. Knee supports will definitely help but I also take glucosimine (not sure how to…
  • I am 5'8" and was overweight for most of my adult life. My highest weight was 221 in 2005 and I'm currently 175. I'd like to get to the upper 150's/low 160s. was in the low 150s for a short time in 2006 but I didn't like how thin my faced looked in the mirror and the fact that you could almost see my hip bones. For me,…
  • I agree! I lost 70 lbs on the old WW plan but steadily gained weight when they changed the plan. The new plan is just so much more complicated than the old plan. I started MFP about 2 months ago and honestly started keeping track of everything on MFP about 3 weeks ago and I've already lost 5lbs of the weight I gained on…
  • I am not a morning person (I mean don't even think about talking to me until I've been up for at least an hour LOL) but I love working out in the mornings. I run Mon/Wed/Fri and take a weights class at the Y on Tues/Thur. For me the key is consistency. For a while I was sleeping a little later on my run days since I didn't…
  • Fleet Feet is the best! Their staff in Nashville is very knowledgable and super friendly.
  • I've run 5K off and on throughout my weight loss journey (65 lbs down total) and shoes make a HUGE difference. Getting fit for the shoes is the key and good insoles are also a big part of the fit of the shoe. The insoles that come with shoes are basically a waste of material and offer no support (they are designed to be…