Question for those who exercise in the morning!



  • saffronblue
    saffronblue Posts: 79 Member
    my spinning/cycling teacher reminded me that it takes six weeks to make a habit...I have to get up at 4:30 to get to class, but it is so worth it. I go three times a week, and now wake at 4:30 on other days too. So, I guess she was right. I agree, pack your gym bag and lay out clothes the day before, not even the night before, because you gotta get to bed earlier, so evenings seem a little rushed. Just keep at it and it gets easier...
  • aparker36
    aparker36 Posts: 30 Member
    As hard as it is to get myself out of bed sometimes, my morning workouts are my favorite because nothing gets in the way except my own will power. The evenings are too difficult, always something comes up, or I'm tired at the end of the day and I talk myself out of it. Even if you only do 2-3 morning workouts a week you'll find that you start to look forward to it. No easy way to get in the habit, just discipline yourself to do it. I swim two mornings a week, and I love it! Then usually I do a beach body video one other morning, and then I workout at lunch time at work the other two days. Weekends are going to start being more consistent soon with biking and running to get ready for my 5th triathalon.
  • orange_you_glad
    orange_you_glad Posts: 38 Member
    I joined a rowing team. I have to get up at 4:45 three mornings a week to work out with them. They can't go out on the water if not everyone shows up. It's pretty good incentive to get out of bed in the morning. :-)
  • roycelynberry
    roycelynberry Posts: 46 Member
    I have 2 kiddos 2 whom are not school age so I am up already but I still get up on weekends or spring break (which is now and they are at my parents) and excerise it's a routine now and I just push myself I guess I am way more motivated then I have ever been.
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    I don't think there is any secret to doing it. Just need to lay everything out the night before so it's easier, set the alarm, and convince yourself it's beneficial. I like knowing the calories burned in the morning so I can better plan my eating. I have found it's easier to do it every day. I used to do it three times a week, and figured the extra sleep time the other two days was good, but now that I'm doing it five days a week, I find I'm in a better routine and sleep better, going to be earlier and getting up earlier every day.
  • rbn_held
    rbn_held Posts: 682 Member
    I am a horrible morning person but I know if I don't get up and exercise in the morning, I will never find the time afterwork. Plus if I exercise in the morning it sets the tone for the rest of the day. I feel so much better during the day and I make healthier decisions.
  • miniragtop
    miniragtop Posts: 24 Member
    I am not a morning person (I mean don't even think about talking to me until I've been up for at least an hour LOL) but I love working out in the mornings. I run Mon/Wed/Fri and take a weights class at the Y on Tues/Thur. For me the key is consistency. For a while I was sleeping a little later on my run days since I didn't have a specific class time to meet and it seemed like I was struggling to get out of bed. Now my alarm goes off at 4:30 and I'm usually out the door by 4:50 at the latest.

    Another side benefit of AM work outs for me is that I seem to eat better/make healthier choices throughout the day.
  • djshayreh
    When I started a couple of years ago, I knew it would be tough as I'm a night owl. Being able to get enough sleep has helped, and I also now know that, once I'm at the gym or warmed up, I'm good.

    Getting going is still really tough. Three techniques have made a big difference:

    1. Telling myself that no single part of it will necessarily be fun or horrible, just to not expect anything more than each part of the process being somewhat irritating. I'm easy prey to wimping out if I don't feel inspired and this helped get past that.

    2. Breaking down the steps between my alarm going off and getting to the car into really tiny manageable steps (which can be deal with using #1 above). These were as tiny as "Step 1 - sit up, Step 2 - turn off alarm, Step 3 - put feet on floor...." I originally had about 15 steps to this process, one of which (blessedly) was getting some coffee which brews on a timer and is waiting for me. Thinking about the whole picture (get going, get inspired, work hard, be on the way to work on time, etc.) is far too much to face at an obscene hour of the morning. Babysteps are manageable.

    3. Keeping moving. This should actually be "keeping barely moving." If I can putter along rather than stopping, sitting down or (worst of all) lying down on the couch to "check the ***** on my phone" (i.e. look for an excuse to say I'm not feeling like working out) I can make it out the door in good time.

    Hope these help.
  • ifitt
    ifitt Posts: 1 Member
    I have been working out in the morning for the last 10 years. Here is what works for me:

    1. Prepare the night before: workout plan, food and clothing.
    2. Go to bed at a consitent time, so you get enough sleep. Expect to get up that time on the weekends too.

    For me, the only time of the day I truly control is the early morning when others are sleeping. No cell calls or interuptions. No excuses. You will find your day becomes much more efficient.

    Change up your workout routine so it doesnt get boring..good luck.
  • Aries03
    Aries03 Posts: 179 Member
    LuLuSUPER Posts: 189
    Plan and prepare for the next day. ( i pack my lunch, iron work clothes, etc. lay out gym gear and gym bag in your doorway)
    Think about it and visualize it (instead of how cold will be, or sleeping in, i think bout sweatin on the beach in only a bikini bottom)
    Get plenty of rest- ( i still have a problem with cutting that night cap cocktail from time to time but still in bed by 1030)
    Set alarm 13 mins earlier - (give yourself some room to awaken, dont rush, )
    Change your workout music playlist weekly- play it on random
    Finally just get off your tush and do it, quickly will become habit, and then a part of your daily grind.
    You will come to crave it cause its time that no one will bother you.
    I am NOT a morning person and recently quit smoking so if i can do it you can too. I believe in you and good luck!!
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    I don't really have any tips but once you get hooked on exercising you just can't stay in bed and do nothing, you NEED to move...i do anyway..maybe i'm just weird :)
  • MzTate81
    MzTate81 Posts: 63 Member
    I get up at 3:15 and workout cause i have to be at work by 6am its was hard at first but once you start it gets pretty easy even on my days off i found myself getting up at that time like clock work...I also drink a half a bottle of crystal light energy and water when i get up before my work out ...and get plenty of rest a night...
  • Tatyanne
    Tatyanne Posts: 471 Member
    I try to sleep 7h30 per night.
    Monday: I wake up at 6:15am and do the Jillian 30 Day Shred
    Tuesday: I wake up at 5:45am and do the Jillian 30 Day Shred + 5K running
    Wednesday: I wake up at 6:15am and do the Jillian 30 Day Shred
    Thursday: I wake up at 5:45am and do the Jillian 30 Day Shred + 5K running
    Friday I wake up at 6:15am and do the Jillian 30 Day Shred
    Saturday: I wake up at 8am and do the Jillian 30 Day Shred followed by Cardio Class at 9h30 am
    Sunday: Jillian 30 Day Shred when i wake up (It's the only day my alarm clock rests).

    During the week I also walk 30min a day to work.
    I use Nike' system to track my runs.

    When the alarm wakes me I only want to turn it off...but i start thinking in smaller clothes and Summer... those things get me out of bed...and when not, my boyfriend has that task 'cause if i do not exercise, the probability of sex that day will be ZERO :bigsmile:
    Was a great idea to be kicked out of bed ahahah

  • hkmamma
    hkmamma Posts: 70
    I have been getting up at 4:50 every morning to get exercise in. Having a partner made it much easier to drag out on those mornings I want to sleep. I make myself go to bed between 8:30 and 9 every night. I was told I would be diabetic if I didn't get the weight off so that was enough to make me turn off the TV at night and go to sleep! Good Luck After a few weeks it isn't so bad.
  • MadeOfMagic
    MadeOfMagic Posts: 525 Member
    Thanks everyone, these are great tips!
    I am going to follow your guy's advice, hopefully with that and lil determination I will be able to get myself up to workout in the AM :)
  • coopersmom2006
    I've never had an issue getting up early. I usually get up at 5 to hit the gym before hubby heads to work. I know if I don't I might not get a chance to workout that day! The energy I have for the rest of the day is a good motivator for me I think.
  • Sonchie
    Sonchie Posts: 259 Member
    I can get up at 4:30am if Im doing a group class, but if I am working out alone, it usually waits until the afternoon or evening.
  • elfo
    elfo Posts: 353 Member
    I am not real sure what made me start getting up at 450am but I cant seem to not do it now. I am at the gym by 510 and work out till 610. I think mine is I am starting to see more definition in my arms, legs and dare I say abs. It drives me to see more. To the point that I even go back to the gym in the evenings for another hour. ADDICTED!!!!!!!!

    What time do you go to sleep?
  • cds2001
    cds2001 Posts: 769 Member
    It really does help to have a workout partner especially if you have to meet them somewhere. It's all about the accountability. Back when I did that I was able to get up at 5am to do what needed to get done. I am not a morning person. My biggest issue with trying to workout in the mornings now is that no matter how early I go to bed at night, I tend to toss and turn for a few hours and wake up several times a night. When it's time for the clock to go off is when I'm finally getting some good sleep. So I tend to re-set it and get more sleep.