JEWIM1 Member


  • Thank you for sharing your story! I really needed this today!
  • If you are looking for answers to general questions, check out the HELP link at the top right of your screen. There are tons of answers to questions there. If you still need to talk to a person, they will email with you. After going to the HELP screen, click on the OR EMAIL US, to contact MFP. They will email with you...
  • You should be proud of your accomplishment! But, I sooooo know what you mean. And I have yo-yo'd so very many times. When I feel that way, I know it's time to kick things up a little bit. Add another activity, or try a few different new recipes, but make sure it's something that will be a reward as well as something that…
    in I feel alone Comment by JEWIM1 July 2015
  • That is great! I have used this site off and on, and I definitely do better when I use it!! I am just well! Good luck!
  • Read once about setting aside a dollar amount for each pound lost for that shopping spree when you reach your goal weight. Think I'm going to try that.
  • I don't know about you, but I am an all or nothing girl. I need to count my calories AND exercise. I can't do one or the other, and I shouldn't anyway. I would start with the trainer. Don't be intimidated. They are there to help you!!! And to push you! It is so awesome to be doing things you never knew you could. It feels…
  • If you are just starting out, I would do a little of both. And don't poop out on the days when you are tired. If you exercise a little everyday and push through, you will end up feeling more energized! When you start getting bored, switch it up, pick a different machine in the gym, or sign up for a new trainer. Pop in a…
  • I am soooo not a doctor, but here was my foot experience. You need to be really careful. After I started exercising really hard core a couple of years ago, I ended up with plantar fasciitis which is an inflammation of the tendons. The only thing that really helped was physical therapy and specially made inserts for my…