Help needed please

Agunat Posts: 14 Member
I have several questions regarding operation of the MyFitnessPal program/app itself. Please indulge me. I usually get lost in these boards unless they email you when a response is posted and I see no indication of that here. I was hoping for a "contact us" email address or phone # but I could find none. If someone knowledgeable, preferably someone who works for MFP could please contact me at "" I would be forever grateful. Thanks in advance... Bob


  • JEWIM1
    JEWIM1 Posts: 8 Member
    If you are looking for answers to general questions, check out the HELP link at the top right of your screen. There are tons of answers to questions there. If you still need to talk to a person, they will email with you. After going to the HELP screen, click on the OR EMAIL US, to contact MFP. They will email with you...
  • Agunat
    Agunat Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you. Bob
  • Agunat
    Agunat Posts: 14 Member
    I see no Help link at the top right of my screens. Is it supposed to be on all screens?

    Thanks... Bob
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Options (This is the link to the help desk)
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    If you ask a specific question someone here probably could help you!
  • Agunat
    Agunat Posts: 14 Member
    There will be several questions, but here are a few to start. For now I'm talking about the desktop version of the program. When I click to add a food the Recent & Frequent categories appear to have identical food listings. Why? Another question is that I've told the categories section to sort by name and Recent, Frequent, and Meals appear to be sorted that way but My Foods are not. Is there a way to fix this?

    Thanks in advance... Bob