

  • Well you can't have alcohol w/o Mother nature soo.... LMAO
  • wow only five peeps, six with you... for some reason i thought more ppl had posted.. :ohwell:
    in Dead.... Comment by JuleszFit March 2012
  • OKayyyy so now that a lot of peeps have posted their schedules... Yass, balls in your court hun!! :tongue: Plan something out so that we can all get together and workout and have fun!! Maybe we can include a pot luck for afterwards?? If we all have time, cus you know after a good workout everyone gets hungry. So c'mon Yas…
    in Dead.... Comment by JuleszFit March 2012
  • Zip Code: 33165 How many miles are you willing to travel from your zip code: 40 miles ehhh not too bad Available (if you have time in the morning and afternoon write both time frames below) DayFromToFromTo Mon7am4 pm Tue7am3 pm Wed7am4 pm Thu7am3 pm Fri7am4 pm Sat7am4 pm Sunmy day for nagging the teens to do laundry and…
    in Dead.... Comment by JuleszFit March 2012
  • LOVE IT!!!!:smile:
  • lmao good one!!
    in Curls Comment by JuleszFit March 2012
  • If you guys ever want to have a boot camp workout one day let me know; I conduct them all the time as a personal trainer. I would do it free of course for this group :) I also do low impact workouts but they make you sweat :)
  • Name: Julie (most call me Julesz) Age: 37 CW: 155 lbs Level of fitness: Moderate Workout activities: P90X, Turbo Fire, My Boot Camps, Bicycle, Running Profession: Certified Personal Trainer Languages: English, Spanish Notes: My current goal is to lose as much body fat as possible so then I can work on gaining muscle mass.…