Nwilliams112 Member


  • I am sorry to hear about your situation. I was the same way toward my spouse he wanted to work out, I didn't. I would drag him down sometimes. I would go through dieting phases and lose hope. It was when I decided I wanted to lose the weight did things really change. Now I am the one getting him out of bed to workout.…
  • I also make the suggestion of letting the tape measure be your guide. I know it can seem frustrating I have lost very little weight mostly water weight but I have lost almost 5 inches. I am down 2 pant sizes. Also only weigh once a week, weighing daily can become frustrating as your body fluctuates body weight daily.
  • First, congratulations on your weight loss success. Taking from my own experience, First suggestion would be to set a time limit. For example, tell him you will give him a month. If he does not start going to the gym then you will take your time slot back. Second, if he is having trouble getting up and around that early in…
  • I'm with everyone else, a workout buddy. I workout with my husband and if he would not have been there to push me on those bad days. I would have quit in week 1.
  • I agree with the other posts. You should alternate. Do the gym one day and then insanity the next. I have not done Insanity as of yet. But it is on the wish list, still trying to survive P90X. I have heard that Insanity is like a cardio workout. You could lift weights at the gym one day than Insanity the next day. Just a…
  • Yes, I am at the end right of mine right now. All during my PMS season is a real challenge for me. Just a couple of days ago, had a huge craving for salty foods. I ended up the next day with my feet propped up because of the swelling in my feet from eating to much popcorn. I usually try to up the exercising to account for…