Husband wants to take over my gym time- advice



  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Work out at home. It's what I do and it's just as good as working out at the gym as long as you work as hard.

    No it's not.
  • poetinmyheart
    poetinmyheart Posts: 29 Member
    Work out at home. It's what I do and it's just as good as working out at the gym as long as you work as hard.

    No it's not.

    For cardio? It most certainly can be. With workout DVDs, running, biking, there are a myriad of things people can do at home that are just as effective as going to the gym.

    If you don't have weights at home, then obviously not for weight training.
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    Work out at home. It's what I do and it's just as good as working out at the gym as long as you work as hard.

    No it's not.

    Yes it is. As long as you are keeping your heart rate up for a certain period of time with cardio it's just as effective. I've lost more weight working out at home than I ever did at the gym. For strength training I either use free weights or exercises that use your body weight as resistance (I'm not a heavy lifter or anything though). You don't have to pay for a gym membership to get a good workout
  • Your relationship is more important than I would go out on a picnic & hiking trip and tell him about your goals you have for you life together, not just weight loss, but your children and other things as well. That way you both understand and get a say on what is important . Could be a motivation spark. Work out a schedule, don't rush, you'll miss smelling the roses. Also, maybe the gym isn't stimulating enough, my husband would just hate it. We go walking, hiking, riding bikes, and swimming together instead. Maybe a mix of gym and active activities as a family. Some people have different workout styles. It'll work out, don't worry.
  • ericarae33
    ericarae33 Posts: 211 Member
    I agree, a pound a day isn't healthy, so I'm glad you stopped that trend.

    Can you guys alternate days? Since you both hate to go in the evenings, but there's only so much morning to go around, perhaps you can alternate. You go in the mornings on MWF, and in the evenings on T/TH. He goes the opposite times. Then you both get to enjoy some mornings in the gym, but nobody's having to get up at 3 in the morning. And if he gets to the point that he's not getting up to go on his mornings, you can re-visit the situation and talk about getting your mornings back since he doesn't want to get up.

    ^^^^^^^^ This
  • Nwilliams112
    Nwilliams112 Posts: 10 Member
    First, congratulations on your weight loss success. Taking from my own experience, First suggestion would be to set a time limit. For example, tell him you will give him a month. If he does not start going to the gym then you will take your time slot back.
    Second, if he is having trouble getting up and around that early in the morning, wake him up yourself. When my husband and I started exercising at home this is what I did. I woke him up with a cup of coffee, we would spend time together then we would exercise. He would not get up otherwise and we would miss out. That way if he complains about you taking his spot to exercise you can point out that you gave him a period of time and he did not take it. Now, he must choose another slot of time to exercise.

    I hope this helps.
  • jenmfpal
    jenmfpal Posts: 124
    Work out at home. It's what I do and it's just as good as working out at the gym as long as you work as hard.

    No it's not.

    Thank you! For what I'm doing, working out at home is not the same as working out at the gym. I AM weight training and I don't know enough about improvising to do it at home w/out the machines/ free weights to be as effective as I can be at the gym.
  • lovetobethin86
    lovetobethin86 Posts: 202 Member
    Most gyms have a babysittng option....
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    Most gyms have a babysittng option....

    She said earlier that hers doesn't.
  • fabafter5
    fabafter5 Posts: 200 Member
    I think that marriage is about sacrifice and compromise. I have 4 school age children and a toddler. I workout at 6am M-F. I have until 8:30 to make it back in and we make breakfast and pack lunches together. My Husband wanted to take some mornings for working out and I said no go! We agreed that he would bike to work for exercise and he gets M-W-F evenings for a spin class and weight training.

    He knows that I am sacrificing any and all free time by choosing to stay at home with my chilldren. Even if I could, I would not take my kids to the gym. It is a pain in the butt! After packing diaper bags, snacsk,extra clothes etc I don't even feel like going anymore.

    For the SAHM morning workouts are darn near essential! I would rather wake up to an alarm clock at 5:20am to workout than to crying, fighting, kids looking for missing socks or homework anyday! My morning workout makes me a much better wife and Mom.
  • jenmfpal
    jenmfpal Posts: 124
    I think that marriage is about sacrifice and compromise. I have 4 school age children and a toddler. I workout at 6am M-F. I have until 8:30 to make it back in and we make breakfast and pack lunches together. My Husband wanted to take some mornings for working out and I said no go! We agreed that he would bike to work for exercise and he gets M-W-F evenings for a spin class and weight training.

    He knows that I am sacrificing any and all free time by choosing to stay at home with my chilldren. Even if I could, I would not take my kids to the gym. It is a pain in the butt! After packing diaper bags, snacsk,extra clothes etc I don't even feel like going anymore.

    For the SAHM morning workouts are darn near essential! I would rather wake up to an alarm clock at 5:20am to workout than to crying, fighting, kids looking for missing socks or homework anyday! My morning workout makes me a much better wife and Mom.

    Great points! Never put into words what you said at the end, but that IS how I feel right now about working out. I'm not a stay at home mom, but right now, working out is making me a better person.

    We did discuss this last night and we are working on it! It's about more than just gym time; he opened up about all the things he was worried about. We will work through it, and talking is the first step. I hope he likes the gym as much as me! Thanks again for all your advice.