

  • First, it's not really up to you what I do with my life. Second, I'm really happy for you that you have the self confidence right now to look at yourself, say "Poo, I probably ought to slow down eating this crap and move around a bit more, I'm filling out a bit around the middle". Really, I am. That's not sarcasm. I'm glad…
  • ^ This. The "villains" in the exhibit are overweight, with problems like eating junkfood and being lazy. The heros are skinny. Most people who are overweight know what it takes to lose weight, but there are other issues getting in the way. And saying to those people, who already know what to do, "All it takes is eating…
  • I've just got done reading this entire thread and I'm so angry I don't know where to begin. The judgement oozing out of most of you is shameful. AND the reason this association exists in the first place. For those of you who do believe that the Disney display is complete reasonable, I have a few questions: How many of you…
  • I have roommates and work out in my bedroom, which has limited space. So, I have to move the dog's bed to have enough floor space. The first couple of times he just flopped down where his bed should be. Then I moved his be onto my bed and he learned real quick that work out time= Murphy time on the bed. Now he hops right…
  • I hesitated to respond to this for about 11 seconds. But here's my two cents: Your body will process the fluid out of whatever you put into it that has fluid. Coffee, tea, soda, juice, et al. Short term, you're hydrating your body. Long-term? You should pay attention. As a coffee drinker (3 or more cups a day) I paid…
  • I remember the clothes I wore and the way I felt. But I was also in high school the last time I was below a size 8. But I got hips and breasts at an extremely young age and pretty much knew I would always be curvy. Wish I had paid attention and continued taking care of myself, but like all teenagers I thought I was…
  • I live in a very progressive community. There are many of us LGBT+ folk here, in fact both of my roommates and the person I am dating are all trans. And even here, people have a hard time with gender. I've been involved in so many discussions about servers at restaurants gendering people, many of my transmale friends have…
  • I've been above 220, but have spent the last couple of years at 190. And I'd like to continue the progress I once started...