

  • Thanks for all of the great info. I usually modify what I eat anyway on day when I do not get to work out. Do you find that you are still losing weight when your carbs are in the higher range since you are completing intense workouts?
  • I am beginning to follow this new lifestyle tomorrow and my only real concern is the coffee as well. I definitely cannot drink it black so I guess one I finish the creamers that I have maybe I will try to just drink with just cream because I read on it is best to go with a natural heavy cream than…
  • Good point with the whole carb roller coaster I did not think of that! I guess I just did not realize that fruit had a decent amount of carbs but I did buy some nuts to snack on and I bought them in snack packs so I cannot eat the whole bag! So, good to know that is the way to go. Do you buy the jerky from the store or…
  • Yea I've been stuck for about a month now after losing 9 lbs over a few months so I have decided that I need to cut all off the "poison" out of my diet. 4lbs in 3 weeks is awesome keep up the good work!!
  • Thanks! I've been reading and subscribed to as well!
  • I am planning on starting to eat primal/paleo on Monday! I will definitely add you I need some support and encouragement on this journey I know it's going to be difficult at first!