kickinmom Member


  • New here. Would love to find out how you've connected your Apple Watch to MFP. I'm already missing the Fitbit challenges. But looking forward to wearing while mountain biking and not having to worry about getting it wet.
  • There are studies that show it's not the quantity of calories but the quality. Dr. Hyman and Dr. Gray (Wheat Belly) are proof of this. Plus, here's a conundrum if you believe calories in calories out: when cows were fed a high-fat diet of coconut oil, they LOST weight. Ranchers thought that would be a cheap way to fatten…
  • Go read some of Dr. Mark Hyman's blogs. He's a functional medicine doctor. A calorie is not a calorie. Look at the (lack of) nutrition in a Twinkie and compare it to the same caloric amount of broccoli. Or fish, or any other natural food. There is no comparison. You can eat them, and you may lose weight eating them, but…
  • I like them. But I found I outpaced them easily. I see people can lose a lot of weight with them, but that wasn't the case with me.
  • but can you kill it? i have visions of a few down days killig the poor thing
  • I'm looking for Jawbone friends too - :)
  • I just found this board. How do i bookmark? I'm 54 and just starting to lose again after years (and yes I mean that) of trying and not losing. Finally found the key which for me was the right supplements and changing up my blood pressure med. I also gave up wheat which I've found makes me hold weight. That makes me a…
  • Make sure you are eating enough protein and fat. Too little fat can make you hungry, as can too little protein; the low-fat craze has been found to be unsound. Use veggies to fill you up. There is a product called PGX that you can get on Amazon or at Whole Foods to add to smoothies or liquid, and that will keep you full…
  • My Jawbone sometimes sends calories over and sometimes not. I know the question was about FitBit but it seems sometimes the interaction between MFP and other devices is not sure.
  • As an update, I've done something I was unable to do without Advocare: I've lost weight and have created some healthy habits. I didn't have the energy to work out, nor did I have a supportive partner to help me maintain my healthy habits. The regimen has enabled me to have workout energy even on those sleep deprived days,…
  • I haven't had problems with my UP24. What I *am* noticing, though, is that Apple Health doesn't pick up my accumulated steps accurately. Anyone else having this problem?
  • I notice the good Dr Cyzs advocates nutritional products. Having been to a professional who promoted products, I know the products generate far more revenue than they admit. So before you listen to him, take the time and do your own homework. Don't use his post - or the copy here - as justification for using or not using a…
  • A lot of comments about "why not just keep at logging and exercise"? or "why not see how the med decrease goes"? As far as the meds: I cannot decrease further as my blood pressure is normal. I'm not losing weight. It won't go lower without further weight loss. As far as phentermine and blood pressure meds: I asked the…
  • I stopped losing weight no matter what I did. Have counted and reduced calories, have added exercise, and still playing with the same 2-3 pounds. For over a year. It's a miracle I've kept at it because ordinarily I'd say "forget this" and start eating the crap again. So am doing the Challenge to chance things up!
  • I just got a Jawbone UP24 to replace my beloved BodyMedia Link (which was great except for giving me skin irritation from the medal). I like some Jawbone features, some I don't. But none will be perfect. Anyway, please add me to help me stay motivated.
  • I seldom eat the breaded sandwiches - always grilled. That's why the sugar freaked me out. I need to quit micromanaging though; it's making me GAIN not lose.
  • Does this include your daily calories, or just exercise? I wear a BodyMedia armband so would I just use the "adds" that I get from syncing my armband?