Advocare 24 Day Challenge

I mentioned in a reply to someone how I've been plateaued for a year. To stay faithful to logging my food during that time is a miracle. I've played with the same 2-3 pounds for a year. I've tried counting more restrictively, lowering (and conversely raising) my calorie target, exercising more, watching salt, ... you name it. I will lose a couple or 3 pounds, then have a planned indulgence (or a day when I don't exercise a lot) and gain it all back.

To say this is discouraging is a major understatement. I'm menopausal, and doctors have tinkered with my hormones (I really feel better since then). They've tested thyroid and while the TSH is normal, T3 and T4 are at the lower end of normal. So since they're normal, nobody wants to attempt to medicate for that. The family doc offered me phentermine (the half of fen-phen still on the market), but I'm leery of that.

I did find out my beta blocker blood pressure medicine was overprescribed. I traced my inability to lose weight back to when the doctor increased it because of some stress-related blood pressure increase. I've since found that it can cause insulin resistance (which she hasn't thought about), so decreased slightly. Found my blood pressure stayed within normal while I had more energy.

So, a friend has had remarkable success on the Advocare 24 day Challenge. Come to think of it, everyone I know who's tried it has had success. So, I'm starting this today. Ideas for success on this would be appreciated.


  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Get your money back, open your diary, see how your decreased medication works out for you.

    Also, is this same friend also the one who sold it to you?
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I heard that it makes you crap a lot. I wouldn't do it, because I don't believe in that sort of stuff.

    When you say that you were more restrictive with your calories, do you mean that you were weighing and measuring all of your food?
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    What are you going to do on the 25th day?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    A plateau happens when no weight movement occurs in 6 weeks of CONSISTENT dieting and/or exercise. If one "changes" up their routine, it's not a plateau.
    Be CONSISTENT for one month. No indulgences, etc. Just in the correct calories for 1lb of weight loss per week on a daily basis. Then reassess.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    That's funny, I know a lot of people that did the challenge and lost weight on it too. I wouldn't call it successful though, because none of them kept the weight off.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    kickinmom wrote: »
    I did find out my beta blocker blood pressure medicine was overprescribed. I traced my inability to lose weight back to when the doctor increased it because of some stress-related blood pressure increase. I've since found that it can cause insulin resistance (which she hasn't thought about), so decreased slightly. Found my blood pressure stayed within normal while I had more energy.

    So, you found that your medicine - that supposedly contributes to weight-loss inability - well, you are/were taking too much. Why not just get that under control and see how things go? Why add something else?

  • jos05
    jos05 Posts: 263 Member
    I was under the understanding that you couldn't take a beta blocker and phentermine?! Pretty sure that's not possible...I know my cardiologist wouldn't approve!! Just restrict your calories and exercise!! It will happen...A lot of the time we are just fooling ourselves and not being honest about what we are eating.

    You can do it! It's not easy...but it's worth it. And trust me phentermine is just a quick fix...eventually you'll have to do it the hard way.
  • kickinmom
    kickinmom Posts: 24 Member
    A lot of comments about "why not just keep at logging and exercise"? or "why not see how the med decrease goes"?

    As far as the meds: I cannot decrease further as my blood pressure is normal. I'm not losing weight. It won't go lower without further weight loss.

    As far as phentermine and blood pressure meds: I asked the doctor. She shrugged off my concern with "your blood pressure is somewhat low so you can handle it." I'm looking for a new doctor!

    And the others - well, I AM and HAVE BEEN consistent about measuring and made all my changes for a month at a time. So to me it's obvious my body needs SOMETHING DIFFERENT. I know a number of people who have lost weight and kept it off with Advocare. I eat clean 90% of the time. I have been trying this for A YEAR, not one or two weeks. If I thought it was just me, I'd have kept logging and plugging away.

    On the 24th day, I'll take the changes I've made and re-evaluate. If they work I'll keep doing them. How many of you who have negatively commented on my situation are menopausal or over 50? Not saying I don't want your advice, but if you haven't struggled with this stubborn menopausal weight then please look at how many women struggle with this before you blithely comment that I just need to log more stringently. BTDT got the tattoo.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    kickinmom wrote: »
    A lot of comments about "why not just keep at logging and exercise"? or "why not see how the med decrease goes"?

    As far as the meds: I cannot decrease further as my blood pressure is normal. I'm not losing weight. It won't go lower without further weight loss.

    As far as phentermine and blood pressure meds: I asked the doctor. She shrugged off my concern with "your blood pressure is somewhat low so you can handle it." I'm looking for a new doctor!

    And the others - well, I AM and HAVE BEEN consistent about measuring and made all my changes for a month at a time. So to me it's obvious my body needs SOMETHING DIFFERENT. I know a number of people who have lost weight and kept it off with Advocare. I eat clean 90% of the time. I have been trying this for A YEAR, not one or two weeks. If I thought it was just me, I'd have kept logging and plugging away.

    On the 24th day, I'll take the changes I've made and re-evaluate. If they work I'll keep doing them. How many of you who have negatively commented on my situation are menopausal or over 50? Not saying I don't want your advice, but if you haven't struggled with this stubborn menopausal weight then please look at how many women struggle with this before you blithely comment that I just need to log more stringently. BTDT got the tattoo.

    Bottom line is you're eating too much, or over-estimating exercise (and by de facto, eating too much). Eating "clean" (whatever that means to you) has zero bearing on losing weight. You could get good, free advice here if you'd open your diary, or you can squander your money on Advocare for the rest of your life since you're an anomaly. I'm not 50 or menopausal, but I know how to lose weight, and so do lots of people here.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Why even ask for "Ideas for success" when you chose a course of action and no amount of logic would dissuade you?
  • avalonms
    avalonms Posts: 2,468 Member
    edited November 2014
    I am over 50, but not menopausal (or even female). However, I did the 24-day challenge in January. It was slow-going at first but I did lose weight over the 24 days -- about 8 pounds as I recall. By the 25th day, I had regain the structure I needed to keep losing. By June, I had lost 21 pounds. I still use Spark in the mornings and also the meal replacement shake for breakfast and I am taking the MNS packets. I've been fluctuating 2-3 pounds since June; I'm up a little bit now from my June low, but I only have eight pounds left to lose from my June low weight. I can be patient.

    Advocare has its critics and its true believers. I am neither. Advocare has worked for me. Could I have lost the weight without it? The answer is probably "yes," but the truth is I was gaining the year prior to going on Advocare. So it worked and is working for me, and that's good enough for me. But it's probably not for everyone. Almost nothing is.

    The 24-day challenge is not a cure-all. The challenge will not overcome bad dietary habits or absence of exercise. What the challenge did for me is provide a 24-day program -- fairly strict -- that put me back on a more disciplined track after a year in the wasteland. Follow the challenge closely and you'll probably lose weight (and feel better!) after 24 days. But you'll have to retain the good habits going forward, with or without Advocare products, to really get the benefits.

    I have no idea how the challenge will work or affect someone with your medical history and medication -- consult your physician(s) about that. And good luck!

    Full disclosure: I do not sell Advocare products.
  • wyattj99
    wyattj99 Posts: 454 Member
    Let me just say I lost weight before Advocare but they do have products to keep going, Spark is my favorite along with Omegaplex!
  • kickinmom
    kickinmom Posts: 24 Member
    As an update, I've done something I was unable to do without Advocare: I've lost weight and have created some healthy habits. I didn't have the energy to work out, nor did I have a supportive partner to help me maintain my healthy habits. The regimen has enabled me to have workout energy even on those sleep deprived days, and the coach is encouraging me.

    Maybe I would've accomplished those things without Advocare. But I didn't. So to me, this is a success.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    I saw a photo of myself and realised I was menopausal & fat.
    I did all my weight loss during menopause and though it makes it a little tougher it is not impossible.

    Hot flashes during aqua fit and belly dancing made me so red and sweaty the instructors thought I was having a heart attack ( lol). Once explained red faces etc just needed a nod from me to let them know everything was ok.

    I counted my calories right down to the last grape, all day every day. And for the year I was losing my 28-30 lb nothing and no- one would let me deviate from my path.

    I have kept the weight off for 4 or 5 years now and have never regretted the year I spent so focused on getting myself in shape.

    If you are determined that Advocate is the only way to do it, make sure you have a plan in place that does not include food/ meal substitutes to carry through the rest of your life.

    Also I cannot stress enough the importance of exercise at this time if your life, and this is coming from someone who claims to be allergic!
    Your muscle and bone mass are naturally decreasing so getting in both cardio and resistance 5 times a week is really important.

    Sorry for such a long post, and if course this is only my journey to success, but it worked.
    Cheers, h.