ValerieCx Member


  • I definately need to do this. I do eat a lot of fast food and that is also when I drink sodas. I need to cut out both. No fast food or sodas for me during December.!
  • Wow! u look great and so much more confident. Keep it up and it won't take you long to reach your goal.
  • wow, that is quite a difference. Great job! U look amazing!
  • That could be it. You need to make sure you are eating enough or your body will hold on to whatever you do it. Eating too much can cause you to gain but as wierd as it sounds not eating enough will also cause you to not lose the weight that you want to lose. You have to find what works for you even if that means increasing…
  • I completely understand the holding the boobies down! I do that too but I'm not breastfeeding. LOL It's the thing I hate most about exercising. Congrats on the new baby and good luck.
  • I still use sugar just less of it. I cut out all sodas because they are loaded with sugar. Even my sweet iced tea is gone and I definately miss that when eating out. Cut out my deserts and ice cream. I've never liked the taste of substitutes and with me, if I don't like it, I'm not going to eat it or drink it. Then I…
  • HeaterM, If I had a hot guy to walk in front of me I might be a little more motivated to get out and exercise! Anyways, I weighed in today and I have lost 1.4 lbs since I started on Tuesday so I am very happy about that! It has been hard since I got home because I am so tired and stressed right now and when I feel like…
  • This is my third day and I'm doing well. I've even managed to stay away from the ice cream my husband bought and put in the fridge yesterday. Definately proud of myself for that and my husband said he was proud of me too. Excited about weigh in tomorrow. It hasn't been a full week so I'm not expecting anything big but I…
  • I agree with the others. Not eating enough will only sabatage u in the end. Try to make healthier choices. Healthy choices and getting in fruits and veggies is what I always have the most trouble with because I don't like many veggies but things like that will give you the calories you need without the fat. Best of luck!
  • I just joined up too. If u want support just add me. Good luck!
  • I saw that too. That is how I discovered this site. Just signed up today so friend request me if u want and we can help keep each other on the right track. Good luck!
  • I would like to join the group if that's ok. Today is my first day and I weighed this morning at 239 lbs. I've been reading some of the earlier posts and like many of u, I want to weigh less that my husband. He weighs 175 so I have quite a ways to go. It has been 5 years since I weighed under 200 but when we met, my junior…