Just joined to beat the fat!

nizhoni_19 Posts: 4
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
I'm new to the site. I heard about it from a video I saw on MSN just today. I was curious to see what this site was all about when I saw a video about a woman who lost 141 pounds just from joining this site. I was inspired, so now I'm doing something about my weight. I have a 7 month old son and I don't want to be out of shape for him. I need to be healthy for him, my husband, and myself.

I hope I meet some inspirational people on this site who can help me through this war. :smile:


  • vwillan
    vwillan Posts: 28 Member
    Welcome! This site is great, especially for tracking your food intake and exercise. If you have a mobile device, be sure to download the app for mobiles, it really helps you to stay on track. Make some friends, encourage others and check out the recipes! Have fun and remember you're doing this to have a happy and healthy life, for yourself and your family.
  • Hi There,
    Me too! I just watched the video and also signed up. I have 2 children--both c-sections. My husband is also overweight with a prominent family history of heart disease and diabetes. My oldest son is starting to gain weight and I fear that he has inherited my husband's genes. I am hoping that through this website not only can I make myself healthier but my family too. I love to cook and my husband is starting to explore so this is a great time for us to experiment and find healthier foods to enjoy. Good luck with you goals and nice to meet you!
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You'll find that this site is an excellent too for weight loss. Good luck!
  • Tashia_HH
    Tashia_HH Posts: 99 Member
    Welcome! It's a great site with awesome people. If you need a buddy ad me..
  • ValerieCx
    ValerieCx Posts: 13 Member
    I just joined up too. If u want support just add me. Good luck!
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