
  • Yes, I tired it........nothing!!! even with a slight change to diet and exercise (for the better), still nothing!!! yep got the best kind that was recommended.. Nothing! Tired the 100% Green tea extract Dr.Oz recommended....nothing!!! and 1 or 2 other things I saw on his show, over the past few years.....NOTHING!!! I just…
  • Right, but there's a lot of back lash to the 1200 net calorie goal. I usually eat 1600 calories a day and work off the extra 400 to meet my 1200 calorie goal. (Except last week when I tired going overboard only to end up with disappointment.) Not 100% of the time but I try to keep it as close to my goal as possible on a…
  • Thanks everyone for your helpful insight. Let me add that yes I do eat back the calories that I work off so that I'm netting around 1200, not gross. The netting 1200 calories came from My Fitness Pal with the original weight loss goal of 1.5-2.0 lbs a week, but I'm thinking that since I have become much more active since…