Helpful Tool for healthy weight loss

I read a lot on here about people being on the 1200 (net) daily calorie goal, and still having problems losing weight. A lot of responses to their post from other members are, that they are eating too few calories and in fact are in a deficit. I too posted something around about this problem with the same type of responses.. It is MFP that set me up on this 1200 net calorie goal. Therefore, I decided to do a lil digging in the hunt for what is a good healthy calorie intake to lose weight, while also maintaining a healthy body and mind. There seems to be a wealth of information out there, who knows what to follow. I found a lot of sites wanted you to be a member (even for free) and ones that simply wanted you to buy their products.. However, I did come across, what I thought, to be a very useful tool in determining not only your calorie intake but your BMI, and a healthy weight for a person's height, age, activity, and eating habits. It's easy to use, free (no signing up) and it's from a very reputable organization (to me anyway). Let me just add that I just found it, and in no way am I saying this is 100% what you should follow. And I will continue to use MFP to track my progress, food and exercise. Please use your judgment and what works for you. So here it is check it out and see if it helps you on your path to a healthier you! :) Good Luck Everyone! :smooched:


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    MFP decides daily calorie goal based on what you enter. If you enter 2lbs a week yup it will give you 1200...for most people esp if you have less than 100lbs to lose.

    When I joined I said 1lb a week it gave me at 1/2lb 1600...and you are expect to eat back exercise calories.

    there are other sites such as and scooby...all great sites if you are unsure.

    But that being said...again MFP does it based on what you enter...
    FARMERCHIC13 Posts: 7 Member
    Right, but there's a lot of back lash to the 1200 net calorie goal. I usually eat 1600 calories a day and work off the extra 400 to meet my 1200 calorie goal. (Except last week when I tired going overboard only to end up with disappointment.) Not 100% of the time but I try to keep it as close to my goal as possible on a regular basis. Rarely, do I gross 2000 calories in a day, nor net more than 1600. I got this calorie goal from MFP for my activity level, weight, and how much I wanted to lose (30lbs @ 2lbs a week).. I, like so many others, seem to be confused on what's right.. :cry: So, like the sites you pointed out (thank you very much!! :) ) I thought maybe ppl would also find this helpful.. :)