Vguthman Member


  • I did the challenge last year when I joined. I ended up winning at my SNAP. I didnt do anything different that continue to do my workouts and keeping my calories in line.
  • When I change my weight loss to 1 pound it is 1990 and when I change it to 1.5 pounds it is 1740. I do eat some of my exercise calories back but not all because I am still saving for a heart rate monitor so I can have a more accurate number and less chance for over eating calories.
  • I messed up my date I have been doing this since March of 2011. My daily intake is 1960 since I changed it to be 1 pound per week instead of 2. Also the other two numbers you asked about were 2539 TDEE and 1846 BMR respectivly. I try to go to the gym atleast 4 times a week and it includes about 30 minutes of…
    in Help Comment by Vguthman September 2012
  • I am against this. A person has the right to do eat and drink what they want whether its the right or wrong decision. So people be healthier sure but forcing something like this one them isnt going to make them change their behaviors. If they were really worried about peoples overall health they would have to ban…
  • So I completed day 2 today. It went really well. I had to have a day and a half of rest though after doing day 1 from being so sore. However I feel like I cant finish but then I think only have 1 more circut and I finish out strong. How are other people doing so far?