Confused Please Help

I have been slowing down on my weight loss. I am currently at about 230 after gain 10 pounds back. I have been looking and calculating things and I have a TDEE of 2572 and a BMR of 1871. However on MFP I have that I want to lose two pounds a week with light activity and have 1490 as my caloric intake. Things I have read say to eat close to your BMR to lose weight. Would this diffecence in calories cause my body not to want to let go of anything?


  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    What does it give you if you set it to lose 1 pound per week?

    And, do you exercise and eat back your exercise cals?
  • Vguthman
    Vguthman Posts: 15 Member
    When I change my weight loss to 1 pound it is 1990 and when I change it to 1.5 pounds it is 1740. I do eat some of my exercise calories back but not all because I am still saving for a heart rate monitor so I can have a more accurate number and less chance for over eating calories.
  • Skinny_Beans
    Skinny_Beans Posts: 405 Member
    What kind of foods are you eating, and why do you want to lose 2 pounds a week with only light activity? I'd recomend 1 pound a week, dropping two a week may be unrealistic for your stats and will include burning muscle you will need later to burn more fat.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Your BMR is the amount they would feed you in a coma to fuel your basic bodily functions. You should eat at least that much, but less than TDEE.