eattherude Member


  • Heya :) Just letting you know if you need to talk to anyone I'm right here...I've just come back to MFP after a few months absence and found all the friends I made last time have vanished so I'm kind of in the same boat as you at the moment...if you want someone to chat to/rant at etc I'm right here also good luck with…
  • I suppose seeing the numbers go down on the scale is a way of proving that you've made makes it real. I know I always feel so much better if I stand on the scales and see that I've lost weight. It makes me feel like I'm not putting all this effort in for's silly but love seeing the little number…
  • hey there :) I'm 5ft 4.5....started at 182lbs working my way down to 132lbs........lost 18lbs so far :) Always happy to meet new people :)
  • Heya, finishing my final year of Uni right here....which is stressful beyond belief!! Always happy to make new friends :) I lost a fair bit of weight in my first year...though that was mainly due to lack of money and a very bad habit of not bothering to make food when I didn't want to deal with crappy flatmates...trying…
  • To be honest I'd just be like well someone is stealing my food...I don't know who it I'm going to carry on leaving notes until it stops. Storing your food in your room is a good idea....I do like the food dye idea as well :) may remember that one
  • I would love to actually be able to see the movie they made of Ways to Live Forever by Sally Nicholls....sadly it's impossible to find :'( It's about a boy with Leukaemia and how he decides to make a book of questions nobody answers...genuinely the only book I have ever read which never fails to make me cry...I love…
  • Short and fantastic every time :) Would you rather....lose your sight or your hearing?
  • Definitely interested :)
  • I was diagnosed with Leukaemia when I was 12. Went through just over two years of treatment (aka hell) and now here I am 6 years later!!! Hard to believe how time flies....
  • Hey there...I'm always on here and am always happy to talk if anyone needs help or even just someone to rant to :) Feel free to add me
  • Heya....21yr old student....slightly mad....feel free to add me :)
  • When I was 12 I got incredibly ill....the kind of ill where my mum was just pleased I was eating regardless of what it was...the treatment was very long and I was really ill during that time so I didn't exactly do much exercise....just never really tried to lose any of the weight I put on until now....
  • Hey there! I'm fairly new myself...always good to have friends :)
  • That's fantastic! lol :) This whole place seems really friendly to be honest....I always feel a bit awkward doing the whole"I'm new please make friends with me" thing but everything on here seems really welcoming :D
  • Hi there! Lol thanks....I figured I'd just extend my natural awkwardness to the internet :) I'll definitely keep you posted on how I do :)