

  • Thanks for these links!! bump!! :smile:
  • Currently, no one is trying to sabotage me! =) (unless you count my boyfriends recent joke, when I said I needed to find a new salad dressing, he said I could melt hershey's kisses LOL) My mom and I live 1300 miles apart now, but when we didn't, she had a 6th sense for me dieting, i think, because as soon as I would start,…
  • bump bump bump
  • Bumpity bump bump
  • Supercali*BUMP*ilisticexpialidocious! :happy:
  • Thank you all so much for the great advice. I used the recipe tool so it would be saved in here for another time. It added 50 calories (equal to half a serving, 1/4 c) to the chicken, which is 110. And, it was fantastic, if I do say so myself. :happy: I put freshly ground italian seasoning and lemon & pepper in the soup…
  • I have the tummy pooch, too. I had 2 c-sections, so it's even worse than ever before. I remember hearing somewhere that reverse sit ups/ reverse crunches (whichever it's called) will help tone up the tummy pooch. Unfortunately, I heard that before I was really serious and ready to make a change, so I can't tell ya if it…
  • I'm new here, too. This is my 3rd day, and having all these wonderful people around going through the same thing has been so great for me! My first 2 days were sorta ho-hum, but today all this motivation kicked in and I did 90 situps so far. I've still got more exercising to do today, but I'm happy that I at least…
  • I have loved this topic! Thanks so much! My wii mii is also obese, and I hate that little sound it plays for it too... its like, I know....thanks! duh... Also, my mii is the only one on our console that is "fluffy" as the comedian Gabriel Iglesias says... Most of the time, all this being broadcast on a 32" tv for all to…
  • It's almost a curse for us to have to live with their great metabolism, isn't it? The more you write, the more I'm starting to wonder if I've found my doppelganger LOL. They say everyone has one.... I have the same problems with dinner time. I think it has to do with the fact that we cook for them, and so we cook what THEY…
  • Hi, Danielle! My name is Kami. I just joined this site today. My main problems are motivation and staying away from the "I'll always be fat" mindset. I came to this site hoping that I can possibly solve the motivation problem by finding some friends and facing the weight loss battle together. and by doing so, hopefully…
  • First, let me say that just because he says he loves you regardless of your weight doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't want you to be healthy. I'm sure he does. But think about it for a minute from his side....if you are talking about losing weight, etc, with him, he might be afraid that if he says something agreeing with…