

  • just joined the "Better Than The Scale" Challenge. The group is weighing themselves once a month...just started march the first .. care to join us ? I have been thumbing my nose at the scale every time I walk by it ... liberating actually:drinker:
  • I am commenting so I can follow this link ..def have the same issue at home...
  • Sorry friend but if you think she would like a piece of exercise equipment just BUY it ..don't make it a gift PUHLEEEZE!!! And while I am at it : NO pots and pans .. NO vacuums ... NO cleaning or kitchen gadgets .. sorry ...just buy it for her if she NEEDS it .. a girl should get a gift out of love not necessity...go…
  • Hello there ... new mom over 40 saying hello...I am sending a friend request your way .. something in your post interests me and I would love to message you about it
  • Ooh my GOODNESS ... just reposted the Channing Tatum one to FB ... LOL
  • uuummmm ..most girls LOVE the OZ :love: ...careful fella
  • Many years ago I felt I was sensitive to sugar some how and switched to splenda .... have used it for years. I have researched it several times because people would say .. that stuff is bad ...blah blah blah... some sweeteners are bad but I haven't read anything conclusive about splenda. There are alternatives at the…
  • ditto .. she needs a "time out" for sure ... BRAT!!:angry:
  • That's a great idea .. its a good point taking in a very low caloric count but I noticed some diaries are private .. mine is ...and why do I feel like a a stalker when I look at someone's diary ? Ps .. I am going to change my diary to viewable by friends for accountability ... so there :)
  • I think it must just be a guideline..it doesn't seem to distinguish between good complex carbs in veggies and fruit and simple carbs like sugars. Certainly if its veggies and fruits putting you over that is ok . I don't think you can get fat eating vegetables. Anyone ??:huh:
  • Lets see .. married a coworker when I was 24 and he was 28 ..we had known each other for about a year and got married after going out for 9 months. We have been together for 20 years. Whew !! Hasn't been a bed of roses but here we still are .:bigsmile:
  • Yup ...went through that too. No wonder its so easy to put on weight eh ?? I have always heard that you shouldn't "drink" your calories. Also breads/starches are very high in calories. I have found personally that when you make a bunch of little changes it adds up to one big change ...for example one thing I cannot give up…
  • I think if the marriage was at all functional you should have some idea of an unhappy participant.. but in general I think if I was told my spouse was "unhappy" I would say "Suck it up buttercup ..no one said it would be perfect" :tongue:
  • My friend and I both the same Thai Salad from McDonalds yesterday at the same time. A little while later I mentioned that my stomach felt painfully bloated and she looked at me and said "so does mine". I have always though I was sensitive to something but have never been able to figure it out. I really don't believe it is…
  • I think that to about the commercials they do so often now ! I hate it ...they think viewers are stupid and won't know we are watching a commercial ..I have watched the show for years but it is getting to be one big commercial.. The plugs for the "Biggest Loser" meals was the last straw ...It is supposed to be about doing…
  • I remember when my husband and I got together (20 years ago) I gained weight steadily ..I realized that I was eating the portions that he was and he was a bigger person and more active ..it took me about 15 years to figure that out unfortunately and I ended up close to 240...I just signed up also ..GOOD LUCK to…
  • Hello There! Yaaayy for you ...it must be hard as a young person to not feel like your best self ...there is so much emphasis when you are young on what is on the out side . My daughter , 17, has a weight issue creeping up on her ( but she won't hear it from me!) I try so hard to not make it an issue but she seems to put…
  • Good for you ! I just joined today and have been using to food calculator ... I thought I was eating real healthy but I have only 450 calories left for the day and its only noon !! LOL ..what an eye-opener!! I sent you a friend request :)
  • Oh my gosh ...you look like a different person ...like you are your own daughter or something ..do you see that ??? Yaaay for yu!!:bigsmile:
  • I think I initially overestimated my activity level...
  • Good for you !! I have lost 60 ponds over the last few years and really am struggling with maintenace. I have easily gained 20 pounds back and have joined this site just today so I can get back on track . It seemed easier to lose thn mintain !!??
  • I think you could have a much worse addiction that wanting to compulsively jump on a scale ..ever watch the show "My Strange Addiction? LOL
  • Hey ! I also just joined this morning ..welcome !!
  • Yes Yes Yes ...I am afraid I am guilty of saying "'You know what you should do .. blah blah blau ..I lost over 50 pounds ..this is how I did it ....blah blah blah" Then I have gained 20 pounds in this last year by not taking my own advice !!! I love the advice someone gave about keeping your new lifestyle to yourself !!!…
  • Oh My Gosh !!! good for you ..I am inspired . You sure its only 8 lbs ? You must be gaining some muscle too ...looking good!!!:wink:
  • Hello JC! I am also trying to get off weight that I have gained after losing over 50 ponds over the last few years. I have gained about 20 pounds back and am so so mad at myself !!! Just joined the site this morning. Michelle
  • I know the proper thing to do is weigh-in once a week first thing in the morning...BUT sometimes I obsess about the scale and even weigh myself twice ..one time I weighed myself in the AM and them immediately had a large BM ..then weighed myself again (no change !?) ...anyone willing to admit to that pathetic…