

  • Woohoo!! Congrats to all the winners! :)
  • Last week went well. I did give up my gym membership because it was a waste of money and I have lots of options for getting a workout in. This week I have set a goal of reducing how often I weigh myself. I am a bit obsessive about it so time to take control.
  • Congrats everyone!
  • Debra - this sounds exactly like my challenges when I travelled to DE a few weeks ago. I guess 2 lbs are the travel lb conversion. It sounds like you made the best of a very difficult situation. I never realized how difficult it was just to find water to drink when you are travelling. You would think, of all things, that…
  • Wow week 3 already, how amazing is that? I had an epiphany mid-week and realized that my goal of going to the gym three times just wasn't working for me. I did make it to the gym a couple of times but I am starting to realize I don't really like being at the gym. So while the weather is great I'm getting outdoors as much…
  • I can't checkmark the box on last week's goal yet. My goal was to go to the gym 3 times. I'm exercising by walking, Wii Just Dance, and other means, but I also set a goal for myself to get back into going to the gym and using the strength training equipment there as well as the different cardio machines. It's not that I…
  • Hi Jules2, don't feel bad, it just means non scale victory. It's the little things that make you feel like you've climbed a mountain and are still really important to you. :) Congrats! What a great feeling!
  • Great post! These are really great ideas that I'm sure will help a lot of MFP folks out. Thank you for sharing!
  • I think that is wonderful! You are doing so great, before long that time will drop even more. Congratulations!! Keep up the good more and "just keep swimming". :flowerforyou:
  • And if that doesn't work I try Calorie King or I've only found a few things that weren't in the database and if I had the ingredients or recipe breakout I've added it and made it searchable so it is in the database for others.
  • I bought the fitbit too, and I love it. I didn't take it with me on my business trip last week and felt lost without it. Such a great tool to keep you on track with how active you are during the day. Love making my little flower grow. :)
  • My goal is to go to the gym a minimum of three times this week. I have 1 down so far, 2 more to go. :)
  • I was wondering that too. That's a great name and a great mantra! Valerie
  • I love Zumba! I actually talked to my doctor about this today and he told me that the best exercise is walking and core strengthening. Start slowly and build up if you aren't used to it. I have some of Jillian Michaels DVDs, though not the Yoga one, so I know she focuses on strength and is really good. I did try Bob…
  • I have a couple that help get me through the tougher times. One is "Weight you are leaving this body, you are not going to derail my destiny any longer." And the other one that I think of often is "Chug, Chug, Chug" as in the Little Engine That Could. As long as I keep chugging along then it's all going to be all right.…
  • Hi Lucy and fellow healthsters! I'm so excited about this fitness challenge, and it couldn't have come at a better time for me. I've been battling weight issues for what seems like my entire life. A couple of years ago I started to implement a healthier lifestyle and was seeing quite a bit of success when I had a foot…