

  • I'm 5'10'', currently 153lbs and my goal weight is probably somewhere around 145... mostly just toned and fit though! I'm recovering from a knee injury unfortunately, though, so I'm quite limited in my cardio possibilities and getting frustrated :( I'll get there eventually though!!
  • Wow, this is awesome!! Way to go!!
  • Make sure you're eating back your exercise calories, and maybe try increasing calorie intake to 1400 or something.. kick your metabolism into gear! You're doing great though, don't give up!
  • Stretch, take some tylenol, and keep moving! In my opinion, one of the worst things you can do if you're sore is just sit around, then the muscles aren't getting any action. Jillian Michaels has actually said that the program wasn't originally designed to do 30 days in a row - the name was just catchy; so if you want to…
  • Finish my third year of college (bachelor's in psychology) with a 4.0! Also, I injured my knee a few months ago while running and am anxious to get back to it after physical therapy ends - my goal is to run at least a couple of 5Ks in 2012! I'd love to do the Color Run in August in Boston, but I'm not sure if I'll be…
  • I would love to, but I'm an RA in an all-freshman dorm of 500 students... the fire alarm is bound to be pulled on the ONLY night I dare sleep naked! :grumble:
  • Hi! We're pretty similar, I'm 5'10'' with a HW of around 190, CW of 154 and goal weight of somewhere around 145 or wherever I feel comfortable. Adding you for motivation and support! :)
  • You look so great, what an inspiration!!
  • That's so awesome, congrats!!
  • You look amazing! Any secret exercises for the obliques? You completely obliterated your love handles!!
  • Fri 02/17/12 09:49 AMBeccyleigh - Beccy, Bromley Kent, UK CoryIda - Cory, Tucson AZ, USA Marz31 - Nicole, Issaquah, WA USA (just outside Seattle) Channing- Channing, Nashville, TN LoseItEli - Elisabeth, Jacksonville, FL Metal_Beau- Laura, Leeds, Yorkshire- UK Jenn152 - Jenn: Chicago, IL USA Gibson76~Elizabeth, Kalamazoo,…
  • I bought it right after Christmas to start for the new year.. and then injured my knee :explode: Starting it as soon as the physical therapist okays it, though!!
  • I'm 5'10'' and my boyfriend is 6'2''.... we're both tall, very pale, and quite blond (Irish and Swedish descent!) so we get the brother/sister comments a lot!
  • I'm sort of afraid of walking in heels to be honest.. I've only worn them a few times in my life and I CANNOT walk in them at all! I'm pretty unbalanced and uncoordinated... I'm afraid I would break my ankle(s)!
  • I'm 5'10'', SW of 165, CW of 154... working toward a goal weight of 145ish but really wherever I feel comfortable and am happy with my body. Feel free to add me if you have similar goals or would just like support :)
  • I started running last summer and LOVED it... however, when I started on the treadmill over winter break, I pretty much immediately injured my right knee! I just started physical therapy this week and I'm stuck in a constricting knee brace for 6 weeks.. I can't wait to get back to running!
  • I also played basketball (although in middle school).. and was on the crew/rowing team my freshman year of college. I suppose I'm perpetuating the stereotype, but I like to think of it as taking advantage my natural assets! I was built with broad shoulders and hips and obnoxiously long legs, so why not use 'em?? :)
  • Add me please! My starting weight was 165 about two months ago, currently at 154 and looking to get down to around 145 (but wherever I feel comfortable)! I'd love more friends for more realistic motivation!
  • You look GREAT! Keep up the great work :) I wish I was as well-distributed as you !
  • Yes, please! I'm 5'10'', started at 165 two months ago and I'm currently at 154. I'm working toward somewhere around 145, but really whatever feels good. Please feel free to add me for motivation and support! There's also a group for tall women: :)
  • Beautiful dress, you can do it! My motivation is this bathing suit... I'm in LOVEEE - too bad that it's so.freaking.expensive! Also, I'm not sure who…
  • Psychology major with a dual minor in French language and Criminal Justice :)
  • Hi everyone! I started almost 2 months ago at 165lbs, plateaued for three weeks at 156.5... then went down to 155, then 153.5 last week! This past week has been harder for me with all of the yummy Easter snacks in the dining halls (I'm a college student), so I've been a little bad and was at 154.5 this morning. I think a…
  • I'm 5'10'' and at 154 right now, aiming for around 145 though because I think smaller than that could be unhealthy for someone my height -- but we'll see how I feel when I reach my goal :)
  • I'm not over 300 pounds, but I try to give as much motivation as possible so feel free to add me :) I think that everyone deserves to have supportive, motivating friends on this journey - it makes is so much easier to stay on track!!
  • Before I comment on a friend's diary completion, I check out what they ate for the day. Went over a little but still ate healthy? Congrats! Was under by a few hundred but earned a lot of calories from exercise? Congrats again! However, if they're significantly under and have been for a few days, I might offer some…
  • Any workout is better than sitting on the couch doing nothing! Get into your workout gear, then you'll be more motivated because you'll be part of the way there!
  • MFP started me out at around 1400 calories/day, and I was struggling to eat those! I was always hungry and although I had lost a few pounds originally (probably just my body being shocked that I was eating so little!), it plateaued off for 3 weeks. I was hungry and frustrated, so I upped my daily calories to 1600 and have…
  • MFP had me at 1410 for a few weeks, and I was miserable too! I'm 5'10'' and my BMR (as calculated by this site) is around 1570, so I wasn't actually giving my body enough fuel to function... no wonder I was exhausted! I recently upped my calories to 1610, and that extra 200 calories has made a huge difference! I was…
  • Healthy things! I know that's probably more vague than you wanted, but make sure that you're eating 300 extra calories of good food - when I increased mine, my first instinct was that I could have that piece of cake! It's taken me a couple of weeks to train myself to eat more good food than just focusing on calories (a…