Just needed to get something off my chest from breakfast this morning - I'm an RA in a college dorm, so I work very closely with my other hall staff - we live, eat, and work together. Naturally, most everyone knows that I've been trying to lead a healthier lifestyle by watching what I eat and working on self-control. One…
I was reading an article about stretch marks today, and I want input from all of you wonderfully successful people who might have experience with this! The article said that red stretch marks are the newest and therefore can be healed; however, once they turn white, they're only removable with plastic surgery or cosmetic…
Hi everyone :) I injured my knee a couple of months ago while running (over-exercising, really), and am now confined to a j-brace and physical therapy for the next two months (diagnosis: distal IT band syndrome and patella-femoral syndrome.. generic running injuries!) However, this is the first time in the past few years…