

  • I think that the fact that eating had been painful for her previously was the major deterrent from eating for her (for a similar reason, people undergoing chemotherapy lose weight - because food is no longer enjoyable). I think that since her stomach issues are resolved (as you mentioned), she should just stick to a…
  • I hired a personal trainer a few years ago. However, I spent A LOT of money on this because I had to buy a package of many session. Basically, in five sessions, I got him to make me two super intense, amazing routines that really get me into amazing shape given that I follow them. Each exercise used many muscle groups and…
  • Feel free to add me (anyone) - I'm brand new here, trying to lose a few kg for summer.
  • I am a fan of the Zone diet - you can look them up and they have some recipes. However, what I do is just log in what I eat on the iPhone app (I usually do it before I plan to eat the item), and then I have the convenient countdown of how much I have left to eat. Try to eat healthy things (fruits, vegetables, lean meats…
  • It probably depends whether you tend to carry your weight in the hips/butt, tummy, or chest. If you carry your weight in the hips/thighs (like me), my guess is that you'll probably be a size 6!
  • While I don't think that diet soda is a good thing to drink regularly (I quit drinking diet coke a few months ago :) ), diet soda is probably a confounding factor in this study. For example, many diet coke drinkers would order a "supersize fries, big mac, and a diet coke". Although, who knows - you should still control…
  • I really like healthy food, so I rarely get cravings for junk. I do, however, enjoy the occasional meal at a restaurant or sushi with my boyfriend, friends, family, etc. Once in a while, I'll have my favorite wines. While I wouldn't cheat unless it was something nice, you can't just always say no to these things (e.g., how…
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