
  • When I was 12 my 'so called' friend invited me round her house for the afternoon. I went round and we were listening to music. She then had a knock at the door and when she came back she had 5 other of her friends with her. (Parents were out). They then started asking how I could bare to be seen out being to fat (I was…
  • Hi Everyone, I have 90lb to go, feel free to add me! All support gratefully received!
  • meant 'weigh'!
  • I way everyday in the morning to make sure i'm on track plus like to see it going down. However I only record my weight once a week on a Friday always at the same time and always naked so no excuses!! lol (You may not have needed to now the last bit though!!)
  • Thank you, that's really helpful x
  • Have to say no I haven't done that and come to think of it I think it does state that I am supposed to. Will try that first and if still no joy will have to exchange.
  • Thanks for this. I had to look it up but looks good, will def give it ago!
  • Hi, I would just like to say you read my mind!!! I have just got in from gym and was going to post the same question. Only difference is i don't smoke. (ex-smoker). I have just entered into "Race for Life" a 5k run in June and so thought i'd get my training under way. I have never been much of a runner even though i've…
  • add me if you like x:happy:
  • I'm 29 and fast approaching 30. I have 95lbs to lose! Today i've entered in to "race for life" 5k run this June! Never thought i would be saying that. I think it helps to give yourself little challenges and goals to aim for and keeps you motivated. Add me if you like x
  • Size 0....why would anyone wanna be that thin?!?!?! Maybe me but size 0 is just the opposite to what i am trying to achieve. I am trying to be healthy and to me a size 0 is def not that. Luckily no size 0's in uk but i'd be happy with a 12. I have a long way to go but i didn't put it on overnight so guess i'll just have to…
  • i have got this dvd but do it day on day off with the gym. I find it hard work but do get a buzz after i've finished. I can tell my fitness has improved but don't do it everyday. Add me as a friend if you like, would be interested in hearing how people think it has changed there body's! I love Gillian even if she does make…
  • Thank you, it really helps when you hear your not going through it alone!
    in New Mum Comment by APPLETON29 March 2012
  • Hi, I am 29 and trying desperately to lose baby weight! I am currently 270lbs and at the heaviest i have ever been! So I know how you feel. You have given yourself 2 yrs and that's a good start as gives you time to reach your goal. I am on my 2nd week in and weigh in tomorrow, hoping for another loss but despite keeping to…
  • Such a difference you should be so pleased. Well done!