New Mum


I am a new mum. My son is 10 months old and I have currently been on Mat leave for the past year. Before having my son I was under the impression that i could get back in to shape with breastfeeding (as heard this helps you lose baby weight) and exercising 3x a week. How wrong was I!!! I was unable to breastfeed and although going to the gym and doing WW at the time i lost a few pounds and gained a few pounds etc I now have just under 3 months to go and am no lighter. I have since left WW and decided to calorie count and try and lose weight this way instead.

I put on 77lbs when i was pregnant which was excessive! I now wish i had been more controlled but I adopted the "I'm eating for 2" theory although it was more like eating for 3! I struggle with keeping motivated and would love to meet others in similar circumstances to me? I am new to this site and have no friends to add as yet. I feel like I am doing this alone so any friendly advice etc would be appreciated.

Tell me your story.....


  • eatingmysandshoe
    You CAN do it, it just takes a liittle longer when you have babies in your life as you don't have quite the amount of 'spare' time you once had.

    Just try to be generally active if you find it hard to fit in actual 'named' exercise like classes, gym, etc. So walk wherever you can move around in the house, dance to the radio with your little person, etc, and spend as little time as possible sitting on your butt! Maybe buy some home DVDs to work on when your baby is having a nap, or see if he would be happy lying on a mat or in a bouncer chair next to where you work out - the sight of his mummy leaping around might keep him happy for a bit!

    Don't buy the stuff you shouldn't be eating - so if crisps are your trigger, try not to buy them, or only buy one packet, etc, so you can''t splurge.

    And log in every day to the site, even if you're having a rubbish day and we can motivate you.

    Add me if you like! I have two not so small people at home (age 9 and 5) so I have been where you are...
    APPLETON29 Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you, it really helps when you hear your not going through it alone!