

  • Thank you all, it makes sense. I will try eating my exercise cal. or at least some of them and see how it goes
  • I try not to eat my exercise calories, I am afraid I will undo all of my good if I eat them. I have only been on MFP for less than a week, do others eat their exercise calories?
  • That is to funny! I call the chaffing "chub rub". I use aquafor when I am training for marathons, you can buy it in tiny tubes and bring it with you on long runs, works great. Keep running and great job on getting shape.
  • Hi, and welcome. I just joined yesterday and although I am not overweight, I am overweight for me. I have gained about 15lbs over the past 3 yrs. I am slower and have a lot more injuries when I run. I want to lose the weight so I can improve my PR, not be so sore after long runs and just feel better in my skin. I get up at…