

  • I don't - I just have readily available low-calorie portion controlled snacks around at all times (couple ounces of carrots, some canteloupe, bag of popcorn, box of green giant frozen veggies, etc), and I eat smaller meals to compensate for the all-day intake of calories.
  • Balsamic Glazed Brussel Sprouts! Bake them up with some Balsamic, S+P.
  • caramel truffle bar -- one of my favorite 100 cal snacks.
  • I'm training for a full right now, and understand the difficulty in eating a lot less on rest-days, and then eating a lot more on long-run days. I actually try and get into the gym and do some time on the eliptical, bike, etc on some of my rest days, so I can balance out my calories. I also don't end up eating all of my…
  • Same goal here - I am 5'7 - dropped from 180 to 159 so far, still can't really see them, though I think I'm almost there. Guessing another 5-7 pounds.
  • Anything you can hold down - crackers, water, gatorade or powerade. The diet and MFP goals will be there when you get better - if you have a set back, take a step back!
  • Pretty similar to my dinner every night - I use the steamfresh frozen veggies + a 6 oz chicken breast mixed w/some soy sauce or greek yogurt, or hot sauce mixtures for flavor. Split into two portions at about ~220 each and try and get one in around 7PM and one at 9PM so I don't snack at night.
  • Of the amount that stays with the meat, some of it will burn up when cooking - as shown by the bottom of my pans :)
  • Looking for the same answer. No real idea how much abosrbs in, how much burns off, etc. Usually if I marinate some chicken or pork chops in a pan, there'll be a good bit that stays on the pan or the bag....
  • Is it your calf? Where exactly is the pain? Do you do any strength training on legs and/or stretches?
  • Salsa, Greek Yogurt .. make great toppings/sauces for a lot of things. Some spices for cooking meat/fish - even the McCormick already mixed up stuff (Fiery Blend, Montreal Chicken/Steak, Rosemary Garlic, etc are all good on fish, chicken, steak simply broiled). Tons of vegetables - the steamfresh frozen stuff is good for…
  • There's no simple answer - could depend on whether there are hills and terrain changes to see if it's 'harder'. I find running outside a lot easier because I end up running at my natural pace, rather than being pushed to go at a certain pace on the treadmill. You may go quicker, you may go slower, you may alternate - but…
  • Most hot sauces have few calories - Instead of Sour Cream, I use Plain Nonfat Greek Yogurt - it works really well as a substitute with a lot less calories Instead of using a lot of Salad Dressing - I will use maybe half salad dressing and half balsamic vinegar - by cutting it you still get to put a lot on the salad, but…