

  • Thought I'd give some medical input into this discussion. If you cut out coffee and sugar 2 weeks ago, and you've been fine up to a couple days ago you are unlikely to be in withdrawal. When are the dips of energy in the day? Or is it just a constant tiredness? You are either coming down with something or you should modify…
  • Boost your calories to maintenance for a few days to boost metabolism back up, then drop it back down to 10-30% defecit.
  • 1 cup milk super low fat kind (yellow top here) 35g plain unsweetened oats 17g chocolate protein powder (1/2 scoop) 1 cup frozen raspberries 5g flaxseed oil squirt of honey 434 calories 9g fat (18% by energy) 52g carb (48% by energy) 32g protein (30% by energy) This keeps me going for 3 hours.
  • Great! To get around that mental thing of not losing weight, maybe look into getting a pair of calipers to measure your body fat. I use the accumeasure one which is really straight forward to use and measure once a week. You can then work out how much fat you're losing.
  • Low intensity exercise does burn more fat RELATIVE to liver/muscle glycogen compared to high intensity exercise. However with high intensity exercise this proportional reduction is more than compensated for by the sheer amount of calories being burned. So if you feel fit enough to do some HIIT then go for it, definitely…
  • Oh forgot to answer question about iron. Women can easily get iron deficient for obvious reasons especially if one has heavy drawn out periods. If you're concerned then go to your GP and get a blood test. Being on a calorie defecit and being female is probably almost reason enough to get your haemoglobin (tells you if…
  • Be careful with supplements as you can easily go into the area of alternative/un-proven rather than evidence based medicine. Here is a mainstream scientific view. Glucosamine/chondroitin: The best clinical studies show no improvement in pain taking glucosamine/chondroitin compared to placebo. In fact, uptake studies show…
  • Kettlebells are a very good all round workout. Women should start with an 18 pound. Make sure you get someone to show you correct technique though as technique is very very important. I am a beginner and use a 35 pound. I never liked weights but kettlebell workouts are addictive. Nothing else can bring my heart rate as…