mikeschratz Member


  • Thank you for posting this video.... this has answered so many questions about the deadlift!
  • Great work! Congrats on your success! You are an inspiration for sure!
  • That is sooo amazing! Congrats to you and your decisions! You are an inspiration!
  • You are truly an inspiration! Congrats to you! Have a cool day my friend!
  • The real question is: How do I feel great about others accomplishments? If I can feel good about others accomplishments, then I can feel good about my own! I have to want good for everyone, not just myself! In that frame of mind, everyone wins!
  • Haven't been doing good with keeping this up, but here are my numbers so far! Good luck to all with the monthly goals! Day Jan Miles 1- 0.00 2- 3.13 3- 0.00 4- 3.14 5- 13.70 6- 0.00 7- 0.00 8- 3.10 9- 2.00 10- 0.00 11- 3.11 12- 0.00 13- 6.34 14- 0.00 15- 2.16 16- 0.00 17- 0.00 18- 1.50 19- 13.10 20- 3.16 21- 1.00 22- 4.33…
  • Same here, you can add me!
  • Hey y'all, I am Mike and I live in Savannah, Georgia. My running started last year. I was walking to lose weight and as the weight came off, I kept walking faster. That turned into running intermittently. We found out about Jeff Galloway's Run/Walk/Run and haven't looked back. We are perpetually training for half…
  • Good Morning y'all, I am new in here and don't really know how this goes, but I am a runner and from reading the posts, this is definitely a runner's place. It is all positive and supportive, my kinda place! My wife and I are in perpetual training for half marathons and love running together. This Sunday is the Jekyll…
  • Just keep running.. you ain't breathing any harder and your legs don't hurt any worse than when you started.... just keep running dummy!
  • Good luck with the addiction issues Tom. I am an alcoholic in good standing with the local AA groups with 11 years of sobriety. I am really into what @anubis609 said. Using the SMART method made all the difference in my running, weight training and recovery. I know now that I had to go to some uncomfortable (dark) places,…
  • Do I want the instant gratification of eating those cookies OR Do I want to find out how fit I can get. That is the monster I have to slay everyday! And sometimes the cookie monster wins! But I don't give up and I don't let the negative thoughts rule me. I see it for what it is... not the end, but a place to learn and be…
  • I am new here and my goal for the month is 62.14 miles (100 km). 9/1 - 4.2 miles 9/2 - 3.0 miles 9/3 - 3.1 miles 9/4 - Wx Hurricane Dorian 9/5 - 4.0 miles
  • Good afternoon to everyone. I have been sober since March 17, 2007. I found my way through the book Alcoholic's Anonymous... not the meetings but the program in the book. I am thankful there was someone willing to show me what was in the book. I, too, had the "can't just drink one" syndrome.. and I caused much hate and…
  • Add me: mikeschratz@gmail.com love the weekday hustle!
  • Good Luck on your journey. I have been here awhile, trying different things. The one that worked for me was IIFYM(if it fits your macros), walking more steps each day and starting little by little to eat cleaner each day. The more non processed food I eat, the easier this becomes. I was at risk for Type II diabetes.... so…
  • Active Participant, Please add me!
  • I finally walked into a yoga class not expecting what to find or who would be there. Now today, it don't matter on either one. I finally found something to challenge myself, my Spiritual Center and calm the crazy that goes on. Looking for friends in MFP that are part of the Yoga Scene! Have a great day.
  • I forgot that I signed up, here are my numbers from my fitbit. Steps 1-Oct 7,097 2-Oct 7,221 3-Oct 4,641 4-Oct 13,587 5-Oct 14,260 6-Oct 6,986 7-Oct 801 8-Oct 8,656 9-Oct 8,765 10-Oct 5,504 11-Oct 13,196 12-Oct 14,667 13-Oct 15,420 14-Oct 10,275 15-Oct 12,446 16-Oct 8,155 17-Oct 14,804 18-Oct 11,655 19-Oct 13,009…
  • My wife and I SUP weekly and would do it more other than work gets in the way. We live in Coastal Georgia and have great rivers and lakes for awesome workouts. If you are into SUP and looking for SUP friends, please friend me.
  • I like b3achy's goals..... 50 miles walking and 25 miles SUP
  • When I lost over 50 lbs, it was right after shoulder surgery and I couldn't do anything but walk. I started at 30 minutes brisk walking, but with time, keeping my calories where they should be which helped me lose weight, the walking got easier and I could go further. I am not a runner either, if I'm running, you should…
  • Please don't put your self worth into the hands of others... Feel good about your accomplishment and keep conquering... You look amazing and reaching your goals is great, time to set new goals!
  • I was told to make a list of who I wanted that person to be, then to become that person. If I could become what I wanted to be, chances are I would end up with the right one... My wife and I celebrate 18 years of marriage in July... it ain't all been grand, but sharing everyday with her has been exceptional!
  • Go to this thread, it is very good: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1176534-i-m-sexy-and-i-know-it-my-first-year-of-strength-training and then try this one: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/974888-in-place-of-a-road-map-2k13 These two things did quite a lot for me. I would read folks success stories and keep…
  • This might be a better place to start... it worked out better for me. http://iifym.com/iifym-calculator/ Also reading Eat, Train Progress in the community forums has been really beneficial,
  • You look amazing.. Congrats on the healthy lifestyle....
  • There's a place here on MFP that I go to to get motivated, inspired and look forward to what I can do, I love this one http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1199314-i-forgot-how-fat-i-used-to-be-found-an-old-photo There is so much motivation, inspiration and support here for me. When I think about losing 60 lbs, that…
  • I am on day 39.... I had to make up my mind that smoking doesn't have any value in my life anymore.... It took some time... and I gained about 12 pounds in 40 days... but I am now losing what I gained, the obsession is no longer there, or at least manageable. I still think about it, but I replace smoking with another…