What I do is put the pedometer on and either put some fast music on (drum and bass or metal or dancey stuff) or just jog/walk on the spot in front of the tv/computer whilst watching a program :) The faster you go, the more you burn, so it's up to you how much you wanna do.
£20-£30 a week from ASDA/Sainsburys so like £80-£120 a month Plus snacks at uni, town, etc so maybe like £150? I buy too much food xD
I'm around your weight and I am 5"4. I think sometimes muscle weighs more than fat so because you are busy and you have a regular regime your body knows what to do to stay the same. I don't really exercise much and in the last 2 weeks I've lost 10lbs from aiming at 1200 calories. I'd say eat lots of fruit and veggies :p