

  • This is kind of random but it still has to do with photoshopping). does anyone know if wedding photographers photoshop their pictures to make you like the pictures better? I know they edit them with the lights and everything, but do they try and slim you down or change things like in these pictures? I have one wedding…
  • I didn't mean all the time, but when your really craving something and you don't want to waste a ton of calories on something that you can make healthier. Like if you are craving a fast food cheeseburger and substitute it for a homemade burger that has less fat and calories and maybe exchange the bun and condiments for a…
  • I mostly watch my calories, carbs, and fat. However if you search the "twinky diet" it's pretty interesting. It was a study a guy did that only ate twinkys (and ate in a calorie deficient) and he still lost weight. However, that sounds completely unhealthy- but it's still an interesting concept.
  • I've had the honey mustard flatbread from Wendy's once or twice (without a side) and it was only 370 calories. I would stay away from the asiago flatbread though, it has a lot more calories than the honey mustard one. I also loooove subway :).
  • Oh ok, that makes a lot more sense, thank you ! And My dress zips up but it is tight. I want to be able to breath normally, so I'm hoping a pound or two would help it fit better. But it's been such a slow weight loss.
  • Good luck ! Loved your video. I LOVE the biggest loser- it is my favorite show. They all have such motivation and dedication. The only reason I have a twitter is so I can follow all the biggest losers contestant (a little stalker-ish haha). I really hope you get picked, I would love to watch you on the up coming season-…
  • I get the Hebrew national 97 fat free hot dogs. They are only 45 calories :). I also love Quakers- you can have 14 for 100 calories and they are pretty big and they're filling.
  • Just saw this post. I started the 30 day shred, and I just finished day 8 today ! Already lost some inches :)! I love the workout but I am scared to start level 2 haha.