

  • You are not evil. I do not have a good relationship with my mom - but I do not say I hate her. I just choose to not allow her toxic behavior to influence my life. I call her for birthdays, etc but otherwise I just choose to keep our lives separate so I can eliminate unnecessary drama in my life.
  • Shes country by Jason Aldean. for my text and notifications i have Sue Sylvester from GLEE "your sloppy babies" shes so funny
  • Well maintaining your caloric intake is important, even with a few cheats... But you really have to exercise on a regular basis. That is what will allow you to have the weight loss. It is what will allow you to maintain the weight loss when you get to your target. Are you making good choices when you eat? Don't give up -…
  • I do not think every person needs it public. we all have a choice - and it is individual. I don't have my public - I don't think I need to in order to loose weight.
  • Some may find this odd.... but I use Herdez green salsa as my salad dressing..... hardly any calories... A little spice. I am lactose intolerant and cannot eat alot of dressings.. but after getting on this site I realized how good it is on a salad. I like it esp on a taco salad or a tuna salad.
  • Are you not eating b/c you have eaten all of your calories??? If not, they why do you think you should not eat after 5pm? We eat dinner around 6pm some nights a little later. I believe it has been proven that your body does not know it is 5pm and you should not eat after a certain time. I eat later in the evening and I…
  • Sweating during exercise is a sign of an efficient cooler. An athlete who has adapted to keep the body core cool during exercise will shunt blood to the skin’s surface more quickly and release heat from the body. At the same time, the sweat glands increase their output and thus cool the body during sweat evaporation. While…
  • if you mean diet pills... they are just caffeine. Not recommended. The only thing I do after a work out is drink a nutritional shake. I like muscle milk light, in part b/c it is lactose free and I am intolerant. It has 15g of protein. I would recommend you stay away from any "weight loss" pills.
  • If you are new or just getting back into running - you might want to run a distance, then brisk walk, run a distance, brisk walk and build up your endurance. I had a family member of mine ask me how to get into running - this is what I advised her and she is now running about 2 miles at a time - sometimes more with no…
  • I often hear people tell me I dont need to loose weight - including my wonderful husband. But only I know how I feel comfortable. I wear a size 4 - but I am more worried about being toned, dropping about 10 lbs - and feeling better - whether that is in clothes, out of clothes, in a bathing suit. If those pics in your…
  • I typically eat a banana and drink a muscle milk light. Along with about 2 bottles of water. I don't know the evidence or proof of needing to eat after a work out, but I work out in the mornings and I am typically hungry by the time I am done.
  • I've never eaten them, but I do like the Amy's frozen meals if I am not able to make a meal for lunch.
  • the vita muffin tops are good. they do have more of an organic taste - but they fulfill a sweet tooth (for me) and they are 100 cal. I also like the jello mousse for 60 cal. Or freeze the yoplait and that is like a frozen yogurt. I cannot recall how many cal's they are but it is low. hope this helps!
  • Im not sure what it is - but no matter - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
  • I had the same question! Haha - and got the same replies. I dont worry about it now, I try to eat 2-3 pieces of fruit a day and a low sodium v8
  • I mix it all up - I love to run and I do that about 4-5 days a week. In addition on the day I run I work out in my garage on a total gym, hand weights, push ups, sit ups, etc. About 2-3 days a week I go to a Jazzercise class for the group fun, and good cardio, strength training. Then 2 days a week I go to personal touch at…
  • I love taco salads too, over the greens! YUM! I also love the wedge salad that you can get at Outback, The Ram, BJ's. A head of lettuce quartered, then with red onion, a few grape tomatos and blue cheese crumbles and blue cheese dressing. Just make sure you measure it out!
  • I think if you keep your weight loss and your exercise in sync you will not have hanging skin. You are young and I think you will be just fine. :flowerforyou:
  • They are just caffeine...... I would say drink a large cup of good coffee :drinker:
  • I dont think it is really unhealthy to work out, as long as you mix it up. You do have to give your body a rest from what I understand. Maybe sometimes walking, or yoga or something not always intense and high impact.
  • Thank you all so much for the feedback - I l-o-v-e this site for many reasons, but the community support is AWESOME! I will be 40 in a few days - and I have never tracked calories, fats, etc. After a knee injury that set me back, then 3 surgeries (non knee related) I had about 8 months of no working out! I did pack on…
  • we have several scales in our home, one in each of the three bathrooms and they are all taylor. the one in mine does do the body fat with weight. i have always been happy with a taylor scale. i could not recommend others, b/c the others were just inexpensive and inaccurate. have you tried putting a weight on to see if it…
  • If you are walking at up to 4mph, you can lower your incline and do a light jog at that pace. I say this b/c I love to run :love: But I agree, even walking is a good way to loose weight!
  • I agree about being on a regimented diet like a south beach or something. I just weight and measure everything I put on my plate, or i deconstruct what I am making so I can have something similar but my family can still eat meals they love. My husband and son love creamy chicken enchiladas (so do I) but i keep part of the…
  • I dont count my homemade unsweet ice tea in my water. I only count my straight water as water. All others I put under drinks. I made that category to keep track of tea, water, etc.
  • I also get 1200 cal/day. I try to do exercise daily to burn b/w 400-700 cal/day to allow myself the weight loss. I think if I just consumed only 122 cal/day I would not loose weight. I know it all comes down to exercise for me. I am just days away from 40 and know that as I get older I have to work out harder to loose…
  • I have made a good soup. Lentils with water to cover the lentils then add garlic and salt and peper - in a crock pot, cooked on high til the lentils are about half cooked, the I add chopped carrots and potatoes. Just season to taste. Nice to cook in the crock all day. I check the water hourly. I dont like it with too much…