

  • I definitely like to dance..good place to start!
  • I am female and weigh 181 with a height of 5'6". I am aiming for 25 for July 1st, but would like to get down to 145 ideally at some point. Thank you all for the incentives and support!
  • You guys are great. Thank you for the fountain of information. I do have the wii fit. I just find it takes a long time/process to get a full workout in and I haven't sweat yet. I did just get it though. I would like the Outdoor Challenge, but also definitely some workout DVDs for change. I get bored with the same stuff.
  • Thanks so much
    in menu ideas? Comment by snikib March 2009
  • Is it realistic to want to lose 25 pounds by July 1st? I am a beginner pretty much at exercise and healthy eating, unfortunately?
  • Anyone know of some sites with menu ideas? or does this site contain some? I really need help starting out on what to eat for the week.
    in menu ideas? Comment by snikib March 2009
  • I am wondering what kind of cardio exercise I can do at home. My kids are home a lot and I don't always have someone to watch them and my husband works away for 3 weeks at a time. My kids are 5 and 8. It is really holding me back from exercising!