realistic weightloss goals

Is it realistic to want to lose 25 pounds by July 1st? I am a beginner pretty much at exercise and healthy eating, unfortunately?


  • snikib
    snikib Posts: 10
    Is it realistic to want to lose 25 pounds by July 1st? I am a beginner pretty much at exercise and healthy eating, unfortunately?
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    That's a little more than three months away so 25lbs is probably on the high side of what you could lose in a healthy manner. Aim for 1lb a week especially since you don't have a "lot" to lose. If you aim for 25lbs by July 1, you're likely setting yourself up for disappointment.

    Wow. I'm talking to you a lot today! :laugh:
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    You might be able to do 15 but 25 might be a stretch. If you lose to much too quick you take the chance of gaining it back. Aim for 1-2 pounds a week and you will be ok.:drinker: And don't forget the water
  • chulie
    chulie Posts: 282
    I won't say yes or no because every person is different and usually the response on here is slow and steady wins the race. I will tell you my personal experience. I started here in January and by the end of february I was able to lose 19 lbs. I knew nothing about exercise and diet and what was good when I started. At this point I have choosen to stop trying to lose weight because I think it was quick and I want to focus on the exercise part of things and just adapt to this new lifestyle right now. So that I make sure I never go back to the way I was or do what I always do. "Ya I lost 5 lbs. I deserve to pig out!" Hahahaha good luck!
  • purrrr
    purrrr Posts: 1,073
    it depends how much you weight and what weight will these 25 pounds put you at, the more extra pounds you have the easier they come off. if you are something like 150 wanting to be 125 pounds it will be very hard to make it by July 1st because it's 3 months or about 13 weeks, you will need 2 pounds loss a week and that's not a great approach for someone who has this little to lose altogether, a realistic goal would be 1 pound or even half a pound loss a week
  • jenken99
    jenken99 Posts: 564 Member
    i want to lose 20 pounds by the end of may and i know thats stretching it, but i believe i can do it!!!!!:love:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    If you start now to plan your meals, count calories, weigh and measure everything, add exercise, and find ways to cope with potlucks, restaurants, and birthday parties, you'll lose the weight in a safe and healthy manner. If you make your goal to follow your plan and learn more every day, even if you don't take off the whole 25 pounds by July 1, you'll take it off eventually.

    this process is something you have to do one day at a time, one challenge at a time, and take baby steps.

    good luck, you can do it.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • MattySparky
    MattySparky Posts: 771
    You might be able to do 15 but 25 might be a stretch. If you lose to much too quick you take the chance of gaining it back. Aim for 1-2 pounds a week and you will be ok.:drinker: And don't forget the water

    We always take the chance of gaining the weight back, that's why these things have to be life changes not temporary ones.

    I dont think that 25 lbs is unrealistic AT ALL!! In fact, it's all about how hard you work and dedicated you are in my opinion. I lost over 40lbs and who knows how many inches (never measured hehe) in just under 3 months and still going and I believe that it was all about being focused. Dont let anyone on here tell you that you cant do it or its unrealistic.


    You CAN do it.
  • purrrr
    purrrr Posts: 1,073
    You might be able to do 15 but 25 might be a stretch. If you lose to much too quick you take the chance of gaining it back. Aim for 1-2 pounds a week and you will be ok.:drinker: And don't forget the water

    We always take the chance of gaining the weight back, that's why these things have to be life changes not temporary ones.

    I dont think that 25 lbs is unrealistic AT ALL!! In fact, it's all about how hard you work and dedicated you are in my opinion. I lost over 40lbs and who knows how many inches (never measured hehe) in just under 3 months and still going and I believe that it was all about being focused. Dont let anyone on here tell you that you cant do it or its unrealistic.


    You CAN do it.

    however, like i said it makes a lot of difference at what weight you start, i see from your ticker you started at 278 and that's a very different thing... obviously if the OP is 150 pounds, she can't lose over 40 pounds in 3 months because she simply doesn't have that many to lose. almost everyone over 200 will lose that much by July 1st but i know from experience and just seeing other people who start at a very low weight trying to go lower that it can be very slow and practically impossible in a healthy way within such a short time frame

    ps: oh, i just checked your profile and you are MALE... now that's a completely different story, men lose weight like 2 times faster than women... unfair but true :grumble:
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    I think anything is possible if you work hard and pay attention. My goal is 10 a month and I'm shooting for 30 for July 1st. You can do it. Believe!!!!!!!!!!! And people carry weight differently so shoot for pants size too.

    I'm hoping for 30 pounds BUT if I lose 3 dress sizes I will be happy too.

    hope i gave you a little motivation.
  • snikib
    snikib Posts: 10
    I am female and weigh 181 with a height of 5'6". I am aiming for 25 for July 1st, but would like to get down to 145 ideally at some point. Thank you all for the incentives and support!
  • mlmanney
    mlmanney Posts: 349 Member
    even if you don't make the magic # but the set date you will be well on your way as opposed to not doing anything! Go for it but I always expect the least and hope for the best!
  • purrrr
    purrrr Posts: 1,073
    I am female and weigh 181 with a height of 5'6". I am aiming for 25 for July 1st, but would like to get down to 145 ideally at some point. Thank you all for the incentives and support!

    starting at 181 you might actually be able to make it to 25 or very close to it but don't expect to lose as fast as someone who starts at 100 pounds more than you. i am an example of losing 32 in 2 months but you can see in my ticker i was 265, i'm not even dreaming i'd be losing anywhere as fast when i get down to 180 like what you are now.

    good luck and whatever the speed you lose with, never give up on your health! :flowerforyou:
  • MattySparky
    MattySparky Posts: 771
    You might be able to do 15 but 25 might be a stretch. If you lose to much too quick you take the chance of gaining it back. Aim for 1-2 pounds a week and you will be ok.:drinker: And don't forget the water

    We always take the chance of gaining the weight back, that's why these things have to be life changes not temporary ones.

    I dont think that 25 lbs is unrealistic AT ALL!! In fact, it's all about how hard you work and dedicated you are in my opinion. I lost over 40lbs and who knows how many inches (never measured hehe) in just under 3 months and still going and I believe that it was all about being focused. Dont let anyone on here tell you that you cant do it or its unrealistic.


    You CAN do it.

    however, like i said it makes a lot of difference at what weight you start, i see from your ticker you started at 278 and that's a very different thing... obviously if the OP is 150 pounds, she can't lose over 40 pounds in 3 months because she simply doesn't have that many to lose. almost everyone over 200 will lose that much by July 1st but i know from experience and just seeing other people who start at a very low weight trying to go lower that it can be very slow and practically impossible in a healthy way within such a short time frame

    ps: oh, i just checked your profile and you are MALE... now that's a completely different story, men lose weight like 2 times faster than women... unfair but true :grumble:

    sure, but that's on average and statistics are proven wrong by determined people every day. I worked really hard for my weightloss so dont think that just because Im male and was almost 280lbs that it was easy or something, it wasn't... that was sortof my point actually (the part about hard work paying off). I didn't just roll out of bed one day with less weight and fat on my body, I made a choice and stuck too it adamantly. If you knew me like I know me then you would agree that ANYONE can reach their goals. I think her goals are perfectly realistic and if she tells herself that they aren't then she may as well not even begin to try. Im just saying that if she works hard and is determined then she will reach her goals regardless of whatever statistics anyone tells her.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    But don't expect a miracle.
  • xbonbonx
    xbonbonx Posts: 170
    that's definitely possible! I want to lose about that much (in addition to the 6 I've already lost) by then too. and I'm trying only to rely on realistic and healthy goals so I don't majorly disappoint myself. so that's a good goal! :smile: