

  • What is Insanity? I'm kind of new to this... but it sounds like it works!
  • I don't get paid to do it, but I volunteer a lot for animal weflare activities. I have a website, if anyone is interested: I write grants for animal groups, promote them at events, spread the word about missing/lost/found dogs & cats... Anything I can do! I also am working toward my Master of Public…
  • I really like Alicia Silverstone's book "The Kind Life." It brings veganism to a really honest level - no guilt if it doesn't happen right away, too!
  • Not sure anyone officially responded to you yet: A minor lets you specify in further detail what you want to do. I have my undergrad in Education, with a concentration in Early Childhood Education. I was required to have a double major per Massachusetts state law, so minored in Psychology. I think the requirements depend…
  • Hello :) I like to use Epicurious. They aren't a vegan site necessarily, which I find helpful because people who aren't vegetarians or vegans also add comments which can be very telling about the deliciousness of a meal! You can sort it to only show vegan meals and then break it down further using other categories.…
  • Have you seen this website? It doesn't have menus up to 100, but it does break out the protein levels of lots of yummy things!
    in Protein Comment by Amore219 April 2012
  • This is so awesome. I'm giong to share with every woman I know! Thank you :)
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