

  • By way of spoilage before all were sold, or a recall - that is how a grocery store does not have basic veggies or fruits. Our WalMart has had 2 or 3 cucumber recalls in the past few years. If you truly are serious about what you want, you will find a way to do it. I have, in the past, driven 1/2 hour or more to a grocery…
  • Oh...dang those vaccines.... :-0 If it weren't for all those that did vaccinate their kids, our entire school system would've been shut down for a couple months last year after the super bowl. Someone came in from out of town with the measles, and people that had not been vaccinated caught it and took the virus to school.…
  • As much as I believe it is the choice of the person whether or not to get a flu shot...I fully understand receiving one if you are working in a medical facility of any type. Ever wonder why children are not allowed in certain areas of medical facilities unless they are the ones being treated? Cancer centers don't even want…
  • At first I didn't like the recipe section as it doesn't give options for what determines a serving (oz, lb, cup, etc). The serving size is actually a recipe yield. After my first couple of recipes were entered, and I figured out the section, I no longer have a problem with it. Although it does help that, when I cook a meal…
  • This is where the recipe section on MFP comes in handy. Create your recipe then base your servings as how you would eat it or dish it out. When it comes to soups/chilis, I usually use 1 cup servings as there generally isn't much else being eaten with it.
  • We had to switch our dog to a soft diet a couple years ago. Every week I cook up a batch of pasta, brown rice, veggies and left-overs. Occasionally I will use a food processor to grind up the batch (usually if the left overs have large chunks of meat). He gets this mixed with some canned dog food three times a day. My…
  • Beef pot roast - toss in some fresh garlic, black pepper, dill weed, a couple of bouillon cubes, shrums, onion, potatoes, etc - cook all day, falls apart at dinner. This allows the juices to be used as gravy, au jus, or to add to any leftovers for moist re-heating. Pulled pork - apple juice (or water), french onion soup…
  • I don't use gyms, but I can definitely see them having vending machines. I would think a good balance between "healthier" snacks as well as some "traditional" ones would be good. If I did use gyms, I would appreciate the opportunity to use a vending machine on days I would forget to bring a snack or am just flat out…
  • I'm not sure if you're a woman or not, but my most frustrating scale time is "bloat week". It took me a couple months to figure out why suddenly I would go from losing consistently to gaining back when nothing changed except maybe a bump up in physical activity (which should have made a decrease).
  • Pool exercises work great for those with joint/arthritis issues. My mom has really bad arthritis and joint issues in her knees and ankles, she went to a low-impact pool class for a few weeks and managed to relieve a lot of pain and lost over 14 lbs. I have seen local public schools, public pools and hospital rehabilitation…
  • There has never been a good argument presented as to why someone would want to eat just plant life. Do you only eat plants? And if you only eat plants, why are you even needing to diet? I've never heard of anyone gaining weight just from plants for food. Must be plenty of junk and other products derived from the animal…
  • Cleaning is not exercise - hmmp - tell that to my body and waistline after basically sterilizing a room from top to bottom when the husband left an open box of crackers out and overnight a wonderful trail of ants appeared. Laundry is not exercise - again, hmmp - touch your toes while you collect and sort laundry, waist…
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