I'm always here for support if needed. :)
Well, I did the green coffee bean extract religiously for about three months, and I can report that the first week, they were like magic pills, i dropped pounds without doing anything....after that, i never saw another thing come of fact, AFTER i quit taking them, I seemed more ravenous appetite wise than I had…
Count me in, 4 lbs down this week, if i keep this up, i might be there with you at Christmas time! :)
sdnwood - look forward to hearing your results! :) And I hope they are good ones for you and your husband both.
Thank you so much for writing in! So happy you're seeing results. this is wonderful news. I am with you, i'm not recommending it, yet, I can't tell you it doesn't work either. I'm just going to keep on doing what I'm doing and see what happens. :) Appreciate your post here. ~Heather Lynn~
Great new added info, appreciate that guys! Keep em coming. :) I'm down 6 lbs now....and I haven't really been a control freak about diet or exercise and I'm still it placebo effect....then so be it, but I have a couple more bottles to take, so I'll keep checking in and seeing how everyone else is doing! ~hl~
To those of you who wrote in....thanks, and glad to have you aboard this topic, for those of you who seem to think that writing in telling us that we're all idiots, high on the placebo effect, save your sarcasm, your negativity....I started this topic for people who have tried it, want to try it, or generally have…
I appreciate all of you who say, it doesn't work, I'm thankful for your reviews, and like I said, appreciate you taking the time to weigh in on the subject, I will continue to be interested in hearing what others have experienced, so I hope you wouldn't fault me for continuing to take them, seeing is how the scale IS…
I take two (800 mg) before breakfast (30 min. before meal w/ 8 oz glass of water), and two more (800 mg) before Lunch, but I hear others take two before every meal. I started out slow, only taking two when I woke up at first, and then increased after a couple days.
I got mine from Must be "PURE" no other ingredients, and must have 50% cholorgenic acid....according to dr. oz show, anything else, doesn't work and is just crap you don't need.
Well, I started taking it Saturday, and I lost like 3.5 pounds between today and saturday. I did NOT work out, and I think I ate pizza twice! I worked out for 2 weeks straight, didn't lose a pound, or an inch. I took these for a few days, just did normal activities, grocery shopping, walking, etc. and lost 3.5. Could be…
I just started taking it, so we'll see what happens.
thanks. :)
ha, brain is still working, week 4 of "low carbs"....look at me type!! ;)
Count me in. I need all the support i can get!
I am starting low sugar's high, so I'm trying to cut back.