

  • Kaleysmom71 Sounds like you got a good plan going, the P90x nutrition plan is really great because it has so many variations and approaches to fit ones needs. Depending on what you are going for( weight loss or gaining muscle) and your own bodies needs, you can adapt it to fit you. I am looking for weight loss and my…
  • Hey there folks So today is day 3, Shoulders and Arms, Ab ripper x. This will be my bf and I first workout together. Should be interesting! We have both done great for the first two days, last night was our first night of true soreness! Its great having each other to feel each others pain! I've been doing really good with…
  • Hey guys, Im so glad this thread is starting. My boyfriend and I are officially starting P90x tomorrow. We both are on total opposite ends of the spectrum, he is tall and lean, me, short and .... well not so lean. LOL. He wants to gain muscle so he is doing the classic and I am going for weight loss so I will be starting…
  • Hey everyone, I ordered P90x and if came a few days ago. My boyfriend and I are both planing on starting this week. We read all the info and got the equipment this last weekend. I wonder if anyone has had experience doing the lean version of P90x I am looking for more weight loss and by boyfriend is looking to bulk up. So…
  • A great natural stimulative that can help is Sienna Tea, you can find it at a local natural foods store. Drinking this tea at night, you will have a much more pleasant bowel movement in the morning than when taking laxatives.
  • I just started the 30 Day shred today on level one. I have attempted to start the 30 day challenge on my own about 2 different times, went strong for a week then stopped. I would love to start the shred with you all and get more focused. I will start my day one today but still check in on Mon. Its great to hear so many of…
  • I just started the 30 day shred and have wondered about calories burned as well. I have considered purchasing a heart rate monitor that counts calories. Depending on the particular day and effort put into the workout, I think the variable will change. The most accurate way to be sure would be to monitor your own heart…
  • Hello Everyone, So I have had this account for a while but never used it to its true potential. I have always been awful at consistency at any level, journal writing to working out. My goal is to change that. I have been a vegetarian for almost 2 years now and have recently finished a month of an all raw detox diet. I…