Any 30-Day Shredders out there?



  • laurabelle25
    WELL hello everyone!

    Here is a link to Last Mon. Check in:

    And I posted a link in that thread to this one.

    Also........I lost 3lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:drinker: :happy: :bigsmile:

    I love seeing results!
  • borac
    borac Posts: 174
    Hi Everyone..

    Didn't get to post here for a few days.. but i've been working out..
    This am i did level one.. and this pm after joggina a mile outside, i got this crazy " adrenaline " rush and energy high.. so i got the crazy idea of doing level 2 .. and i did it.. level one and level 2 in one day .. :drinker: celebrating :)

    Well.. level 3 is still going to wait.. i want to be able to do some real push ups.. etc.. but i have noticed a lot of progress esp. in strength.. and i haven't finished 30 days yet..

    I can't wait to do 30 days like i originally had in mind.. 10 level one 10 , level 2, 10 level 3.. no breaks in between.. - that's what i thought that dvd is about when i got it , but when i saw and " felt " the level one.. i quickly forgot about that idea :wink:
  • sweetassurance
    Count me in. Just let me know how to go about it. Thanks:flowerforyou:
  • SarainKS
    Hi I'm new here! Mind if I join in?? I've been doing the Shred Level 1 yesterday and today. I'm all up for a goal!

    I totally need the motivation (that's my weakest area). My arms are killing me today and my thighs but I'm going to stick it out and do it again tomorrow and Friday. I'll take Sat. and Sun. off. I might try Level 2 on Wednesday depending on my body. Ha! Now that I think about it, I might even do them this weekend.

    Here's my stats:

    Weight Monday: 137
    Goal Weight by Feb 23rd: 130

    Really I just want to get more tone and a shape to my dumpy body. I want to lose inches not so much pounds.
  • PinkableLove
    Hey everyone! So I just bought the shred dvd today so I plan on starting tomorrow!

    My stats:
    Weight now: 291 lbs
    Goal weight by end of 30 days: 281

    I look forward to checking in with everyone each week cause I can definitely use the motivation!
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    I just got mine inthe mail today from!!! I had the dvd out of the box practically before I got back in the house...ran upstairs to pop it in and shredded away! It was good. There were a couple of times I thought..."I'm tired." Morning will tell if worked out hrd enough, I'm sure.

    Does Level 2 & 3 really get much more challenging???
  • Cassia
    Cassia Posts: 467 Member

    Also........I lost 3lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:drinker: :happy: :bigsmile:

    I love seeing results!
    Awesome!!! That's great! :flowerforyou:
  • borac
    borac Posts: 174

    Does Level 2 & 3 really get much more challenging???

    two is harder.. and 3 i'm not even brave enough to try yet !..
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    I'm going to join you guys! I found the videos on YouTube, so I'm going to try to do it from there. It sounds like people are getting good results from this, so I'm excited. I feel like I'm at a bit of a plateau, and I'm hoping this will kick-start things again for me. I'll be watching for the link to the check in thread on Monday.
  • PinkableLove
    Hey everyone! So I just finished day 1 level 1 and wow that kicked my butt. I feel achy all over lol. It really made me realize how out of shape I am.

    I found myself struggling through certain parts of it and not being able to finish. I was wondering if anyone else had that problem? And if so, how long did it take before you could do it the whole way through without stopping?
  • Noraavon
    Noraavon Posts: 62 Member
    I started the 30 Day Shred and definitely have a hard time with level 1!!! I found by the fourth day I could get through it a little easier. Stick with it!!
  • Summarain
    Summarain Posts: 145
    My first time doing it I didnt even finish the whole way through, i felt like such lazy bum! Anyway, I ached for like 3 days after I did it the 2nd time. I gave myself a little time off for my muscles to calm down and then I got back on it. Now I have been doing it every day and I dont ache anymore (well i didnt do it last night....bad me!) I am going to continue to do it throughout the month, hoping to do it every day. My only delima now is this freggin "time of the month" makes me not want to do anything! :mad: I'm hoping that I can just create the willpower to get up and do it! I'm thinking I should start doing it in the morning, but of course i'm soooo sleepy these days so its hard to make myself get up.
  • LSnowden
    I just joined and want to know... What is a shredder? I might be interested

  • avinubia
    im new here and wanted to know what is a 30 day shredder?? How does it work ??:embarassed:
  • SarainKS
    It's a DVD by Jillian Michaels. Just search for it on amazon and it give a pretty good description.
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    I just joined and want to know... What is a shredder? I might be interested


    It's a dvd by Jillian Micahels---I just bought it on sale through good so far!
  • SarainKS
    So how is everyone doing since it's Friday?? I feel like I have a ton more endurance through Level 1 now. That makes me happy! I was SUPER sore yesterday before I did it again. But this morning I feel absolutely great! I hope this continues.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Level 1 is definitely more doable now. I was so proud today I did 8 push-ups without modification before I had to switch to knees. I think I will do level 1 one more time and then next week I'm bumping it up to level 2.
  • laurabelle25
    So how is everyone doing since it's Friday?? I feel like I have a ton more endurance through Level 1 now. That makes me happy! I was SUPER sore yesterday before I did it again. But this morning I feel absolutely great! I hope this continues.

    SAME HERE! I did Level 1 today (3rd time this week, 6th time overall), and I noticed a huge change in my endurance. And I could do all the push-ups w/o stoping for a rest. I'm think about doing it tomorrow and then see how i feel and I might move on to level 2 next week! I'm less and less sore, but i have also been doing extra stretching b/c i feel my thighs burning thru most of the DVD.
    Keep up the good work!
  • Kinipela
    I just started the 30 Day shred today on level one. I have attempted to start the 30 day challenge on my own about 2 different times, went strong for a week then stopped. I would love to start the shred with you all and get more focused. I will start my day one today but still check in on Mon. Its great to hear so many of you all who really feel this dvd, I know I do! Here is my official check in to start.

    Current Weight: 145
    Goal: 125 (By Feb 30!)

    At level one I def. feel my body working, I got a Polar F4 for xmas this year and it really helps me calculate my exact calorie burn. I wonder, the times past when I worked out it was for a longer period of time, the 20 min shred feels great, especially after I see that i've burned +-280 cal. But I still feel like I should work out for longer. Has anyone incorporated levels one and two? Or done Level 1 twice?


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