Any 30-Day Shredders out there?



  • laurabelle25
    Here's the link to this weeks Check In:

    Good Luck everyone and keep up the good work!
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Does anyone feel "TIGHT" afgter doing The Shred? I feeel like my muscles are extra I need a major yoga session to stretch me out again.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    After doing level 2 my back is definitely tight. I think it was all that in the plank position. I'm hoping today is easier and I'm not so sore.
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    After doing level 2 my back is definitely tight. I think it was all that in the plank position. I'm hoping today is easier and I'm not so sore.

    I'm moving up to Level 2 tomorrow...but I plan to head straight to yoga tonight...I need to stretch out BIG TIME!!!!!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Level 2 was much easier to follow the 2nd time. It was still a killer though. I know it is a good workout if I'm cussing Jillian out at the end barely able to finish the last cardio circuit.
  • adow
    adow Posts: 13
    I love the 30 day shred with Jillian and all the Biggest Loser workouts. I have a treadmill, but feel that I burn alot more calories with Jillian and Bob. I usually stick to level 1 with the 30 day shred, then do another Biggest Loser workout to finish. I have seen inches reduced in my size, but not pounds. I am definitely toning.
  • Dietprincess
    Hi! I'm excited to find some more 30 Day Shred fans!! I did the shred back in October then slacked off during the holidays. I told a co-worker about the DVD this week, and she went out and bought it that very day, and challenged me for the next 30 days!! So now I HAVE to do it!! Just started today, and I feel good!! Just wondering how you all are calculating the calories burned. I know this question has come up before, but I can't seem to nail it down. Right now I'm at Level 1. Appreciate your input!!
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Level 2 was much easier to follow the 2nd time. It was still a killer though. I know it is a good workout if I'm cussing Jillian out at the end barely able to finish the last cardio circuit.

    :laugh: I am laughing sooooooooooo hard, because THAT is exactly what I was doing this morning...cursing Jillian out (I just moved up to Level 2 today)....BUT, I have to say....I like Level 2 MUCH beter than Level 1!!!!! REALLY! I was wooried about all the knee modificatiosn I was going to have to do...but, it really wasn't that bad. What a great workout!!!! LOVED IT!!!!

    Has anyone been brave enough to do Level 3 yet? I'm just curious how scary it is????? Though I won't be venturing in to the Kingdom of Level 3 for awhile yet!!!!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    The first time I did level 2 I really thought my knees can't take this but after working on form a little bit I can really enjoy the pendulum lunges and don't seem to be having any problem with my knees. I cannot do the double jump ropes though and was wondering does anyone else have a stress problem with those. After 2 kids, everytime I do those I think crap I need to be doing more Kegels.:embarassed:
  • PinkableLove
    Hey everyone! I decided to move up to level 2 on Tuesday. I previewed it before I did it and I thought it seemed easy. Then I actually did it lol. Im on my third day of level 2 and it is kicking my butt, but its definitely getting easier.

    I definitely like level 2 better than level 1 although I feel like im going to die at the end lol.
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    I felt successful too that I didn't die after doing Level 2 this morning. :wink: Although...I don't think I'll ever be able to do those double jumpropes, nor go too deep on the lunges. My knees have been aching today, but not as bad as I expected.Cant wait to do it again tomorrow!

    Let me know if you hear from any Level 3 Survivors!!! :laugh:
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    YIKES!!! I ended up on crutches last ankle, seriously was in sooooo much pain, and I couldn't step on. I didn't feel it all day, until I finally relazed around 9pm.

    Has anyone done anything similar after doing this workout?
  • PinkableLove
    YIKES!!! I ended up on crutches last ankle, seriously was in sooooo much pain, and I couldn't step on. I didn't feel it all day, until I finally relazed around 9pm.

    Has anyone done anything similar after doing this workout?
    The first few days I did it on level 1 and 2... my shoulders hurt soooo bad. I didnt have to wear a brace or anything but i was definitely feeling it
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    YIKES!!! I ended up on crutches last ankle, seriously was in sooooo much pain, and I couldn't step on. I didn't feel it all day, until I finally relazed around 9pm.

    Has anyone done anything similar after doing this workout?
    The first few days I did it on level 1 and 2... my shoulders hurt soooo bad. I didnt have to wear a brace or anything but i was definitely feeling it

    I'm also feeling it in weird my right elbow???? Weird, huh? I think it's from the military press. But mostly, the crutches threw me, I can;t figure out what I've done to my;s like the tendons are twisted, Uuuuggggghhhhhh!!!!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Where does it hurt on the ankle? I'm not sold on that plank with the bouncing up and then back to plank. I feel a lot of stress on my achillis in that so may just do the modified version.
  • PinkableLove
    Where does it hurt on the ankle? I'm not sold on that plank with the bouncing up and then back to plank. I feel a lot of stress on my achillis in that so may just do the modified version.
    Yeah. I'm not to fond of that move either. The other one I dont like on level 2 is the last abs with crossing the leg over... i cant do those. Im hoping it'll get easier as time goes on
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    We must think alike I don't like that one either. I'm considering holding 2 side planks during that minute to work the sides.
  • laurabelle25
    Hey everyone! Do we have a check-in posted for today yet? I couldn't find it. But will start one if we don't!
    Not that I really want to put anything down b/c I really sucked it up last week. I did work out 5 days, but only did the shred 3 days, then PIGGED OUT last weekend. I'm hoping that my enormous weight increase is water weight from all the beer i drank.:mad: But i'll continue to work at it.

    Everyone else is doing awesome by the way....keep it up!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Used my Heart rate monitor for the first time today with the shred and my HRM showed exactly what this site shows for 20 minutes of General Circuit...thought that was pretty cool!
  • laurabelle25